Restore a backup

You can restore an ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes organization from a backup using ArcGIS Enterprise Manager. All configuration data, settings, services, and infrastructure objects will be restored. Any services that reference data in registered data stores will be re-created.

The way in which a backup is restored depends on the type of failure and the accessibility of the organization.

Restore a backup when the original organization is accessible

If the organization has experienced data corruption or data loss but remains accessible, you can restore a backup without undeploying and redeploying it. The original organization will maintain a record of all backups, and you can restore from one of them using ArcGIS Enterprise Manager.

To restore a backup when the original organization is accessible, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click the Backups button.
  3. From the backups page, determine which backup you want to restore to and click the options button (...).
  4. Click Restore.
  5. Provide the encryption pass phrase that was used to create the backup.
  6. Click Restore.

When restore operation begins, a job is created to manage the operation. The organization will be restored to the point in time when the backup was created and will be inaccessible until the restore is complete.

Restore a backup when the original organization is not accessible

First, ensure that the original persistent volume (PV) contains labels that can be used as part of a label selector when registering a new backup store. You must also ensure the following settings are identical across your source and target environments:

  • Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and Context Path (that is,
  • Registry Host and Repo (that is, and esridocker)
  • Kubernetes Namespace (that is, arcgis)
  • Kubernetes Cluster Domain (that is, cluster.local)
  • Kubernetes Service DNS Suffix (that is, svc.cluster.local)
  • FSGroup and Supplemental Group ID (if deployed using a custom value)


These settings were specified during deployment.

If you have not registered a staging location and a backup store, complete the following steps to register a new backup store and bind it to the existing PV:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click the Backups button.
  3. From the backups page, click Register a backup store.
    1. Provide the following information for the staging location:
      1. Size (GiB)—Defines the size of the PV for the staging location. The minimum size is 16GiB and should be large enough to contain each store's backup.
      2. Storage class name—Defines the storage class name.
    2. Provide the following information for the backup store:
      1. Storage type—To bind to the existing PV, Static should be selected. Administrators should confirm the PV has the required labels for binding and that it's available to bind.
      2. Backup store name—Defines the name of the backup store. It can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens, and must not begin or end with a hyphen.
      3. Size (GiB)—Defines the size of the PV for the backup store. The minimum size is 16GiB and the value should match the size of the existing PV when using static binding. If the value is higher than the size of the existing PV, the PVC will not bind with the PV.
      4. Storage class name—The storage class must match the storage class of the existing PV.
      5. Label selector—Required for static provisioning, and the label or labels must match those of the existing PV.
    3. Click Register.
  4. Note:
    When binding to a precreated PV that has no storage class defined, the storage class name should be left blank. If a default storage class is configured within the cluster, the DefaultStorageClass admission controller will add the default storage class and prevent the PVC from binding. In this case, administrators should either add a storage class spec to the PV or remove the default storage class configuration.

If you have already registered a staging location and a backup store, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click the Backups button.
  3. From the backups page, click Backup stores.
  4. Click Register store and provide the following information:
    1. Storage type—To bind to the existing PV, Static should be selected. Administrators should confirm the PV has the required labels for binding and that it's available to bind.
    2. Backup store name—Defines the name of the backup store. It can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens, and must not begin or end with a hyphen.
    3. Size (GiB)—Defines the size of the PV for the backup store. The minimum size is 16GiB and the value should match the size of the existing PV when using static binding. If the value is higher than the size of the existing PV, the PVC will not bind with the PV.
    4. Storage class name—The storage class must match the storage class of the existing PV.
    5. Label selector—Required for static provisioning, and the label or labels must match those of the existing PV.
  5. Click Register.

Once a backup store is registered, all existing backups in the backup store will be listed on the backups page, but only backups from the same release will be available to restore.

Prepare an existing PV for static binding

After you undeploy ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes, the original PV's status will be set as Released. To add the appropriate labels and ensure that the PV is available to bind with the new organization's PVC, complete the following steps:

  1. Use kubectl to identify the PV that was used for the previous backup store.
    kubectl get pv
  2. Use kubectl to assign a label to the PV. This will be used to bind the PV to the new backup store pod.
    kubectl label pv <pv name> <key>=<value>

    For example, to use "arcgis/purpose":"backups" as the label selector:

    kubectl label pv <pv name> arcgis/purpose=backups
  3. Patch the PV to ensure that it can be bound to the new backup store pod.
    kubectl patch pv <pv name> -p '{"spec":{"claimRef": null}}'

Check the status of a restore operation

When restoring a backup from ArcGIS Enterprise Manager, the restore page will automatically appear and show the progress of the restore operation.

If the original organization was not accessible prior to the restore, the existing user session will be invalidated, and the status of the remaining steps in the restore process should be viewed from the ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API when it becomes available.

To access the Status API, complete the following steps:

  1. Check ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API periodically until the sign-in page is accessible.
  2. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API.
  3. Click System > Disaster Recovery > Get Status.

The API returns the current state of the restore operation. You can monitor the page during the restore operation to track the progress.


ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API is temporarily unavailable during a restore operation. When it becomes available, the Status API will continue to return the status of the restore operation.