Add items

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

If your account has privileges to create content, you can add files from your device, items from the web, apps, and data stores to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. You can also save maps and publish apps. Your items are accessible only to you until you share them with others.

Add files from your device

You can add supported files from your computer to the website and share the files so others can download and open the files in desktop applications. When you share comma-separated values (CSV) files with everyone (public), you can use the URL that appears on the item page to add the CSV as a web layer. In addition, you can add image files and use the URL to show images in web apps and pop-ups. You need to share the CSV and image files with everyone (public) to see the URL on the item page.

If you have privileges to publish hosted feature layers, you can publish a hosted feature layer when you upload supported files such as zipped shapefiles and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.


Once published, data uploaded from a shapefile or file geodatabase will be converted to Web Mercator projection.

  1. Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to create content.
  2. From the My Content tab of the content page, click New item.
  3. Click Your device to choose the file from your device or drag the file into the drop zone.
  4. If you uploaded a .zip file, choose the contents of the file from the Item type drop-down menu, for example, map template or code sample.
  5. If you uploaded a code sample (.zip), choose the language of the sample, for example, Java or C++.
  6. If necessary, choose to add the file and create a hosted feature layer, or add the file only.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Type a title.
  9. Choose a folder in My Content where you want to save the item.
  10. If your portal administrator has configured content categories, click Assign categories and select up to 20 categories to help people find your item. You can also start typing a category name to narrow the list of categories.
  11. Optionally, type tags that describe the item.

    Separate the terms with commas (for example, Federal land is considered one tag; Federal, land is considered two tags).

    As you type, you can select any of the suggested tags that appear; suggestions are generated from tags you have added previously.

  12. Optionally, provide a summary that describes the item.
  13. Click Save.

Once you add the file, it appears in your content, and you can edit the item details and share it if you have sharing privileges.

Add items from a URL

You can provide a URL to reference an ArcGIS Server web service, KML, and OGC WFS, WMS, and WMTS. You can also reference documents and images stored on the web.

When you add an item that references the REST endpoint URL of that layer or file, the website does not store the item itself.

  1. Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to create content.
  2. From the My Content tab of the content page, click New item and click URL.
  3. Type the REST URL of the service or document, for example,


    If you need to access your services over HTTPS, be sure the URL you provide when you add the service starts with https.

    ArcGIS Server web service URLs are in the format https://<fully qualified web adaptor machine name>/<web adaptor name>/rest/services/<folder name>/<service name>/<service type>. If the service is in the root folder, you do not need to include the folder name in the URL. The URL format in that case is https://<fully qualified web adaptor machine name>/<web adaptor name>/rest/services/<service name>/<service type>.

    To find the REST URL of an ArcGIS Server service, open the ArcGIS Server Services Directory and browse to the service you want to share. You can then copy the URL from the browser's address bar. Do not append any parameters, such as a token, to the URL.

  4. Verify that the item type is correct. If the type is different than the one selected, choose the correct type of item:
  5. If you added a secure service that is available externally, choose whether or not you want the credentials stored with the service item. If the credentials are not stored with the item, everyone who accesses the item will be prompted for credentials every time they access the service item. If the credentials are stored with the item, you will not be prompted for credentials.
  6. Click Next.
  7. If you added a secure service that is available externally, enter a user name and password for an account that has access to the service.

    User names might be case sensitive depending on how your identity systems are managed. If you store the credentials and plan to share the service in a public app, you may want to enable rate limiting to limit use on the service.


    If you do not see the user name and password fields or the options to store or not store credentials, or if you see an error when attempting to add the secure service, there may be an issue with your HTTPS configuration. The ArcGIS Server site providing the service for which you are attempting to store credentials must support HTTPS and have a valid certificate signed from a well-known certificate authority. For additional troubleshooting, contact Esri Support (in the USA) or your international distributor (outside the USA).

  8. If you added a WMS (OGC) layer, choose the layers you want to be visible.
  9. If you added a WFS (OGC) or WMTS (OGC) layer, select the layer that will be drawn when the item is added to a map. If you want to add multiple layers from a WFS or WMTS service, you must create individual items for each layer.

    If the WMTS service supports multiple projections, you must select a specific projection. By default, the first projection available is selected.

  10. Click Next.
  11. Type a title.
  12. Choose a folder in My Content where you want to save the item.
  13. If your portal administrator has configured content categories, click Assign categories and select up to 20 categories to help people find your item. You can also start typing a category name to narrow the list of categories.
  14. Optionally, type tags that describe the item.

    Separate the terms with commas (for example, Federal land is considered one tag; Federal, land is considered two tags).

    As you type, you can select any of the suggested tags that appear; suggestions are generated from tags you have added previously.

  15. Optionally, provide a summary that describes the item.
  16. Click Save.

Once you add the item from the web using its URL, the item appears in your content, and you can edit the item details and share it if you have sharing privileges.

Add apps

You can add existing web apps as items to the portal so portal members can search and discover them. When you add an app as an item, you are sharing the URL to the app; the portal does not host the app files. Another way to share apps with members of your portal is to publish a web app you create from a map. For more information, see Create apps from maps.

  1. Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to create content.
  2. From the My Content tab of the content page, click New item and click Application.
  3. Choose the type of app:
    • Web Mapping—A web app built with a web API, such as JavaScript.
    • Desktop—An app for desktops built on a desktop platform, such as Java or .NET (Microsoft Windows Desktop).
    • Mobile—A downloadable app built for mobile devices with an SDK, such as iOS or Android.
    • Other application—A desktop application or any type of generic app where you don't have details about purpose, API/SDK, or URL address.
  4. For web mapping, desktop, or mobile, type the URL of the app, for example, https://<myServer>/myWebMapApp.
  5. For desktop apps, click Browse and choose the .zip file that contains your app.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Type a title.
  8. Choose a folder in My Content where you want to save the item.
  9. If your portal administrator has configured content categories, click Assign categories and select up to 20 categories to help people find your item. You can also start typing a category name to narrow the list of categories.
  10. Optionally, type tags that describe the item.

    Separate the terms with commas (for example, Federal land is considered one tag; Federal, land is considered two tags).

    As you type, you can select any of the suggested tags that appear; suggestions are generated from tags you have added previously.

  11. Optionally, add a summary that describes the app.
  12. Click Save.

Once you add the app, it appears in your content, and you can edit the item details (where you can attach code if you want) and share it if you have sharing privileges.

Register your app

You can register the OAuth 2.0-based apps you develop. Registering your app with the portal provides you with an app ID. The app ID is the foundation for distributing apps and getting usage reports.

You must add your app to the portal before you register it. See the section above for details. After you've added it, follow the steps below to register your app and get an app ID and app secret.

  1. Verify that you are signed in with an account that has privileges to create content.
  2. From the My Content tab of the content page, click the title of the app you want to register.

    Clicking the app name opens its item page.

  3. Click the Settings tab. Scroll down to the App Registration section and click Register.

    If you've added a generic type of app, the app is automatically registered and you see the Registered Info button instead of the Register button. You can view and update the registration information.


    The Register option is not available if the app is hosted on the same web server as the portal's web adaptor. For instructions on how to register these apps, see Esri technical article 44907.

  4. Select the type of app: browser, native, server, or multiple.
  5. For each redirect URI, enter the address in the format ["https://<server>[:port]"] and click Add.

    Redirect URIs are valid addresses that users of your app can be redirected to after they successfully sign in.

  6. To remove a URI you previously added, select it, click Delete, and click Register.

View and update app registration information

Once you've registered your app, you can view registration information—which includes an app ID and an app secret—and update the redirect URIs, reset the secret, and unregister the app.


Resetting the app secret will invalidate all existing user and app tokens issued for the app. Users will need to sign in to the app again, and apps configured with the secret may need to be updated.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to the portal and click the My Content tab of the content page.
  2. Click the title of the registered app.
  3. On the item page, click the Settings tab.
  4. Scroll down to the Application Settings section and click Registered Info.

    You can view the following details: app ID, app secret, app type, and redirect URIs.

  5. To update the redirect URIs, click Update and follow these steps:
    1. To add a redirect URI, enter the address and click Add.
    2. To remove a redirect URl, select the URI address and click Delete.
    3. Click Update and click Save.
  6. To reset the app secret, click Update and follow these steps:
    1. Click Reset Secret.

      Resetting the app secret will invalidate all existing user and app tokens issued for this app. Users will need to sign in to the app again, and apps configured with the secret may need to be updated.

    2. Click Yes if you are sure you want to reset the app secret.
    3. Click Update and click Save.
  7. To unregister your app, click Unregister App.

    Your app is no longer registered. You do not need to save the item page.

Add a data store

There are several types of user-maintained data store items you can add to your organization. Each one requires you to provide different information, and each is used for a different purpose.


Even though you add the data store to the portal, this process registers the data store with federated servers or the hosting server. Therefore, each machine in the federated ArcGIS Server sites must be configured to access the file share location when you add a folder data store.

Only the ArcGIS Enterprise administrator can add folder data store items to the organization (which is shown as the hosting server in the New item interface in the portal) that access a new file share location. The administrator can set folder storage locations when creating the organization (the recommended method) or use the ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API to register file shares after the organization is created.

The following sections describe how to add each type of data store. Use the links below to access the data store type you need to add.

Add a folder data store item

Use the following steps to add a folder data store to federated servers only. If you want to add a folder data store to the organization (the hosting server), you must ask your ArcGIS Enterprise administrator to register it.

  1. To add a folder as a data store, ensure the folder functions as a file share location.
  2. Open the portal and sign in.

    You must sign in as a member who has privileges to create content and register data stores.

  3. From the My Content tab of the Content page, click New item and click Data store.
  4. Type a title for the data store item.

    This is the name of the item that will appear in the portal and ArcGIS Pro.

  5. Choose Folder for the type of data store item to create.
  6. Optionally, type tags that describe the item.

    Separate the terms with commas (for example, Federal land is considered one tag; Federal, land is considered two tags).

    As you type, you can select any of the suggested tags that appear; suggestions are generated from tags you have added previously.

  7. If the organization administrator has configured content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find the item.

    You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.

  8. Choose the folder in My Content where you want to store the data store item.
  9. Click Next to configure the connection to the source data.
  10. Type the path to the folder.
  11. Provide information for your data sources.

    In most cases, the clients used to publish layers from this registered data store will use the same location as the ArcGIS Server site. However, if your ArcGIS client will access data in one subfolder but the federated ArcGIS Server sites or system (hosting) server need to access a copy of the data in a second subfolder, you must provide information for both data sources.

  12. Click Next to choose the ArcGIS Server sites with which this data store will be registered.
  13. Select the federated ArcGIS Server sites with which you want to register this data store.

    If you are unsure which sites fill these roles, contact your ArcGIS Server administrator. You can only select a site if the status is normal, which means the site can connect to the data source, and if the site is not labeled (Hosting Server).

  14. Click Add data store.

If you added a folder data store, share the data store item with groups whose members need to publish from files in that folder in ArcGIS Pro.

Add a database data store item

To publish map image and feature layers from database content or publish map image layers from cloud data warehouse content accessed through a database connection file (.sde), add a database data store item. If the data is stored in a database or enterprise geodatabase, you, as the owner of the database data store item, can also publish map image and feature layers in bulk from the data store item in the portal.

  1. To add a database data store, you must first create a database connection file (.sde file) connecting to a supported database or cloud data warehouse. Connect using credentials for an account or user that has access to the data you need and the required permissions on the data. You must save the credentials with the connection file. You cannot use an .odc file.
  2. Open the portal and sign in.

    You must sign in as a member who has privileges to create content and register data stores.

  3. From the My Content tab of the Content page, click New item and click Data store.
  4. Type a title for the data store item.

    This is the name of the item that will appear in the portal and ArcGIS Pro.

  5. Choose the Database data store type.
  6. Optionally, type tags that describe the item.

    Separate the terms with commas (for example, Federal land is considered one tag; Federal, land is considered two tags).

    As you type, you can select any of the suggested tags that appear; suggestions are generated from tags you have added previously.

  7. If the organization administrator has configured content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find the item.

    You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.

  8. Choose the folder in My Content where you want to store the data store item.
  9. Click Next to configure the connection to the source data.
  10. Click Choose File and browse to the database connection file (.sde) that accesses the database, enterprise geodatabase, or cloud data warehouse that you want to register.
  11. Provide information for your data sources.

    In most cases, the clients used to publish layers from this registered data store will use the same location as the ArcGIS Server site. However, if your ArcGIS client will access data in one database but the federated ArcGIS Server sites or system (hosting) server need to access a copy of the data in a second database, you must provide information for both data sources.

  12. Click Next to choose the ArcGIS Server sites with which this data store will be registered.
  13. Select the ArcGIS GIS Server sites with which you want to register this database. If you are unsure which sites fill these roles, contact your ArcGIS Server administrator.

    You can only select a site if the status is normal, which means the site can connect to the data source.

  14. Click Add data store.

If you added a database data store item and chose a federated ArcGIS GIS Server site to register it with, you can publish map image and feature layers for all the feature classes accessible through this data store item and publish table layers for all the tables accessible through this data store item as long as the data store does not access a cloud data warehouse. If members of your organization will be publishing data from this database connection in ArcGIS Pro, share the data store item with a group to which those members belong. This allows these members to publish data using the same database credentials to any of the federated servers you specified in step 13.

Add a cloud data store item

To publish cached map layers that reference cache content stored in a cloud storage location and publish scene, tile, or vector tile layers via REST, add a cloud data store item.

  1. To add a cloud store, you must have an account with a supported cloud storage provider, and the cloud storage location must exist.
  2. Open the portal and sign in.

    You must sign in as a member who has privileges to create content and register data stores.

  3. From the My Content tab of the Content page, click New item and click Data store.
  4. Type a title for the data store item.

    This is the name of the item that will appear in the portal and ArcGIS Pro.

  5. Choose Cloud for the type of data store item to create.
  6. Optionally, type tags that describe the item.

    Separate the terms with commas (for example, Federal land is considered one tag; Federal, land is considered two tags).

    As you type, you can select any of the suggested tags that appear; suggestions are generated from tags you have added previously.

  7. If the organization administrator has configured content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help people find the item.

    You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.

  8. Choose the folder in My Content where you want to store the data store item.
  9. Click Next to configure the connection to the source data.
  10. Choose your cloud storage provider and specify credentials to connect.

    The information you must specify varies by provider type.


    To connect to a private cloud, choose Custom from the Region drop-down menu and type or paste the URL to access the private cloud into the Private URL field.

    • Amazon S3

      Provide the following to connect to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket or an S3 compatible bucket:

      • Choose a credential type: either use an IAM role or an access key. If you use an access key, you must provide the access key ID and corresponding secret access key you obtained from your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.
      • Choose the region where the bucket exists and type the name of the bucket.
      • To register a subfolder in the bucket, type the path to the folder.

    • Google Cloud Storage

      Provide the following to connect to a Google Cloud bucket:

      • Provide the access key ID and corresponding secret access key you obtained from your Google Cloud account.
      • To register a subfolder in the bucket, type the path to the folder.

    • Microsoft Azure Storage

      Provide the following to connect to a Microsoft Azure Blob storage location:

      • Provide the name of your Microsoft Azure and the account key to access it.
      • Choose the Azure environment where the storage location exists.
      • Provide the name of the Blob storage container.
      • To register a subfolder in the storage container, type the path to the folder.

    • Alibaba Cloud Storage

      Provide the following to connect to a Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket:

      • Provide the access key ID and corresponding secret access key you obtained from your Alibaba account.
      • Choose the region where the bucket exists and type the name of the bucket.
      • To register a subfolder in the bucket, type the path to the folder.

  11. Click Next to choose the ArcGIS Server sites with which this data store will be registered.
  12. Select the ArcGIS GIS Server and ArcGIS Image Server sites with which you want to register this data store. If you are unsure which sites fill these roles, contact your ArcGIS Server administrator.

    You can only select a site if the status is normal, which means the site can connect to the data source.

  13. Click Add data store.