View scene elevation profile

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The Elevation profile tool Elevation profile tool allows you to generate an elevation profile along a line. You can create an elevation profile the following ways:

  • Click Generate from path to select an existing line feature and display the elevation.
  • Click New profile to draw a line over the terrain and display the elevation.

Elevation profile chart

There are three types of elevation profiles the chart can show:


The elevation profile of the ground or terrain. You can draw a path or select and existing path.


The elevation profile of 3D objects that are visible in the current scene view. This includes buildings, integrated mesh and features with 3D symbology


The elevation profile of selected path with absolute height as the elevation mode.

When you hover over the chart, the available profile types elevation displays the elevation for each type of elevation available. he chart displays labels of the following information:, the location of that point on the line is visualized in the scene. Also, t


The chart doesn't generate an elevation profile for point cloud scene layers or layers with 2D styles.

  • The Ground and View elevations depending on which profile types are selected
  • The horizontal distance along the x-axis from the start of the line


The start of the selected line is the first vertex defined in the data.

Elevation statistics

The elevation chart includes the following statistics:


Length of line


Total ascent


Total descent


Maximum elevation of line


Minimum elevation of line


Average elevation of line

Max Slope

The steepest slope ascending / steepest slope descending

Avg Slope

The average slope ascending / average slope descending

Change the unit

To change the unit, click the Settings tool Settings and click the drop-down menu under Units.

Select a line to see an elevation profile

To generate a profile of an existing line, do the following:

  1. Click Analyze Analyze to open the analyze tools.
  2. Click the Elevation profile tool Elevation profile tool.
  3. Click Generate from path.
  4. In the scene, click an existing path to select it and generate different elevation profiles.

    The Elevation profile tool displays an elevation profile chart with statistics. You can interact with the chart to display more information.


Polylines with multiple paths are not supported.

Draw a line to see an elevation profile

To draw a line and generate a profile, do the following:

  1. Click Analyze Analyze to open the analyze tools.
  2. Click the Elevation profile tool Elevation profile tool.
  3. Click New profile.
  4. In the scene, draw a line.

    The Elevation profile tool displays an elevation profile chart with statistics. You can interact with the chart to display more information.

  5. If necessary, you can move or edit the line horizontally with the handles, and the elevation profile chart dynamically changes.
    • Drag the large orange disc to move the line.
    • Drag the line handles to move individual vertices or create vertices in the center of segments.