Prepare to upgrade

This ArcGIS 11.2 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Upgrading to a new version of ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes provides your organization with new features and improved functionality. Before upgrading, learn about the new features and identify any changes that may affect your organization's members.

Make a backup of your organization before performing an upgrade.


You can set or modify the node affinity and tolerations for the pods that are used during updates or upgrades. Once a placement policy has been created, it will be applied whenever an upgrade job is created. The values that you set will persist for all future updates and upgrades until they are reset. See Update (Upgrades configuration) for details.

Upgrade requirements

Before performing an upgrade, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must upgrade ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes before upgrading Kubernetes to a supported version.
  • If a required update is available, you must apply it before upgrading to this release. Review the release notes for details about the latest required update.
  • You must have a unified ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes license for this release.
  • You must update the resource quota values in your namespace to meet the current requirements.
  • Ensure your environment meets pod security standards such as the pod security admission standards prior to conducting the upgrade.
  • If your environment is in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, ensure it meets the current security context constraints.
  • If you have provisioned static PVs, you must provision additional storage to accommodate upgrade requirements. See Adjust static PVs for upgrades for further details.
  • If your provisioned storage has dynamic PVs, ensure that sufficient storage is available for the additional item-packages, object volume, and queue volume.
  • Run the preupgrade script. This script will detect and address any functional requirements to meet the current software release.
  • If you have configured a web adaptor with your organization, review installation and upgrade requirements.
  • When deploying ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes, if you used your organization's container registry or if you've deployed in a disconnected environment, you must copy the required container images from the Esri repository to your registry before running the update or upgrade.
  • If the deployment makes use of multiple availability zones, ensure there is adequate capacity in each availability zone to support additional replicas of the stateful workloads. This may require temporarily scaling out the node group during updates or upgrades.
  • You must provision at least fifty percent (50%) additional storage to accommodate the relational store upgrade. For example, if you've allocated 100GB of storage for your relational store PVs, you must provision at least 150GB of additional storage prior to conducting the upgrade.
  • If you created custom dashboards using the Grafana metrics viewer app prior to 11.2, you must export the dashboards before conducting an upgrade. Grafana is no longer included in ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes but you can still use it or other third-party apps to view statistics inside or outside your cluster. See how to migrate existing dashboards to an external instance.

Adjust static PVs for upgrades

Prior to an upgrade, the following must be configured with an additional PV:

  • Each pod in the organization's Portal API deployment must be configured with an additional item-packages-volume.
  • Each pod in the organization's in-memory system storage must be configured with an additional in-memory-volume.

For example, if prior to an upgrade, the following apply:

  • The Portal API deployment is configured with three running pods, you must provision three additional item-packages-volumes.
  • The in-memory-volume is configured with one running pod, you must provision one additional in-memory-volume.

In both cases, you must configure the additional PVs with equivalent specifications as those specified during deployment.

Once the upgrade is complete, the Portal API deployment and in-memory storage will use the newly provisioned PVs and persistent volume claim (PVC), and the original set can be removed.

In this topic
  1. Upgrade requirements