Understand credits for spatial analysis

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Credits are the currency used across ArcGIS and are consumed for specific transactions, such as performing spatial analysis. In ArcGIS Enterprise, most tools can be run without consuming credits. Credits are only consumed if your ArcGIS Enterprise portal is configured to use services from ArcGIS Online and a tool is run using the ArcGIS Online service. The credits will be consumed from the ArcGIS Online organization from which the service originates.


Credits will only be consumed for successful analysis jobs. Credits will not be consumed when the analysis fails or is cancelled.

If your organization has enabled credit budgeting and the expected number of credits exceeds the number of credits allocated to you, an error message appears and prevents you from submitting the job.

Tools that consume credits

Depending on your ArcGIS Enterprise service configuration, the following tools may be run using services from ArcGIS Online:

ToolArcGIS Online serviceCredits used

Summarize Nearby

ArcGIS Online routing services (used if a travel mode is chosen for Measurement type)

0.5 credits per service area

Enrich Layer

ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service

10 credits per 1,000 attributes (data variables multiplied by total feature records)

ArcGIS Online routing services (used if a travel mode is chosen for Measurement type)

0.5 credits per service area

Find Hot Spots

ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service (used if Esri Population is chosen for Divide by)

10 credits per 1,000 attributes

Find Outliers

Choose Best Facilities

ArcGIS Online routing services

0.1 credit per allocated demand point

Generate Travel Areas (Create Drive-Time Areas in Map Viewer Classic)

ArcGIS Online routing services

0.5 credits per service area

Plan Routes

ArcGIS Online routing services

1 credit per vehicle route

Find Closest (Find Nearest in Map Viewer Classic)

ArcGIS Online routing services (used if a travel mode is chosen for Measurement type)

0.5 credits per closest facilities route

Calculate Travel Cost (Connect Origins to Destinations in Map Viewer Classic)

ArcGIS Online routing services (used if a travel mode is chosen for Measurement type)

0.005 credits per route