Set refresh interval (Map Viewer)

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A refresh interval keeps your maps in sync with the latest data while the map is open. For example, you may have an ArcGIS Field Maps map with a damage assessment feature layer that field workers update every few minutes. Set a refresh interval for this damage layer to help your office team see the latest feature data from the field while keeping the map open on their desktop or device. You can enable a refresh interval between six seconds and one day on many types of layers.

  1. Confirm that you are signed in and, if you want to save your changes, that you have privileges to create content.

    If you do not have privileges to create content, you can still set the refresh interval to explore the data.

  2. In Map Viewer, open the map containing the layer or add the layer directly.
  3. In the Layers pane, choose the layer for which you want to set a refresh interval.
  4. In the Properties pane, scroll to the Refresh interval section and turn on the Automatically refresh layer toggle button.
  5. Specify the refresh interval for the layer in minutes or hours.

    The valid range is 0.5 minutes to 24 hours.

  6. Optionally, click Save and open Save and open and click Save to save changes to the map.

You see any updates that have been made to the data in this layer at the refresh interval you specified.

Considerations for refreshing a layer

Consider the following when refreshing a layer:

  • You can enable a refresh interval on the following types of layers: ArcGIS Server web services, hosted feature layers in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal, OGC WMS, OGC WMTS, tile layers, GeoRSS, basemaps (including Bing Maps basemaps), CSV files from the web with latitude and longitude fields, tables, and KML when added to your portal through the My Content page.
  • When a layer is redrawn, the layer data is automatically refreshed and the refresh interval starts over. The layer data refreshes again after the specified reset interval has passed or the layer is redrawn, whichever comes first. The layer is redrawn when you pan, zoom, or reload the layer. For KML and GeoRSS, the layer is redrawn when you reload the layer (not when you pan or zoom).
  • You cannot enable a refresh interval on a CSV file from the web with address fields (instead of latitude and longitude).
  • Layers only refresh when they are within the visible scale range defined for that layer.