Update layer URLs in a web map or web scene to use HTTPS

This ArcGIS 11.2 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

If you added layers to a map or scene using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), update them to use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secured (HTTPS) communication to improve security.

As the owner or administrator of a web map or web scene, you can update all layers in the map or scene to use HTTPS. It is recommended that you make all layers accessible using HTTPS, which encrypts the information in the layer when it's transmitted over the internet.


When you attempt to update layers in a map or scene to use HTTPS, any custom symbols that use HTTP are automatically updated to use HTTPS if the source of the custom symbols supports it. Other layer customizations, such as images embedded in pop-ups, are not updated to HTTPS. To update these references to use HTTPS, open the layer (or map) in Map Viewer or Map Viewer Classic and update the references there. Or, for hosted feature layers, open the layer's item page and update the references on the Visualization tab.

Updating layers to HTTPS is not supported for layers added to the Enterprise portal, web map, or web scene using the internal port URL, for example, http://gisserver.domain.com:6080/arcgis/rest/services/exampleservice/MapServer.

Follow these steps to update layer URLs in a web map or web scene to use HTTPS instead of HTTP:

  1. Sign in to the organization as an organization administrator or as the web map or scene owner.
  2. Open the item details for the web scene or map.
  3. Click the Settings tab and scroll to the Layer Settings section.
  4. Click Update Layers to HTTPS and click Update Layers to confirm the change.

    Each layer is inspected in the map or scene to determine whether it needs to be updated to HTTPS. If any layers are found to use HTTP, the portal attempts to make a request to the same layer using HTTPS and updates the map or scene and associated layer items you own or administer.

    If a layer does not support HTTPS, you are notified, and the layer is not updated in the map or scene. If the layer is reported to not support HTTPS, contact the owner of the layer, who can either configure the layer to support HTTPS or provide an alternative resource.