Configure pop-ups in a scene

ArcGIS 11.3 | |  Help archive

When you click and highlight features in your scene, pop-ups display in-depth information about your features. Customize the way pop-ups display so the important information stands out better. In Layer properties, you can configure pop-ups for point, line, polygon, and 3D object layers. You can display or hide pop-ups for each layer.

Open a layer

To open a layer to configure the pop-up, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify you are signed in to the portal and open Scene Viewer.
  2. On the Designer toolbar, click Layer Manager Layers to open the Layer Manager pane.
  3. Select the layer for which you want to configure the pop-up.
  4. Click the layer options tool Layer settings tool and select Layer properties to open the Layer properties pane.
  5. Under Pop-ups, click Configure pop-ups to open the Pop-ups pane.
  6. Click the Enable pop-ups toggle key to expand the options to configure the pop-up.

    Pop-ups are enabled by default when you first open a layer.


Pop-ups are not available for all layer types.

Configure a pop-up

  1. Click Configure fields to open the Formatting window to configure the fields and better display the field names and values.
  2. Under Title, enter a title for the pop-up.

    You can combine static text and field values to customize a title for the pop-up that is informative for the user. Click Add field Add field and select a field value. For example, if you wanted the title to display population by state, you would enter the {State_name} field, then "Population: ", and finally the {pop2010} field. This combination displays the following:

    California Population: 38,120,066

  3. Click Fields list.
  4. Click Select fields to add fields to the list.

    You can also rearrange and remove fields.

  5. Enter a title for the list of fields shown in the pop-up.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  6. Enter a description for the list of fields.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  7. If the feature layer includes attachments, they are automatically added to the pop-up under attachments. Attachments are supported as a related table to a feature class in a feature service.
  8. Optionally, click Add content and add media such as images or charts, or text to the pop-up.
  9. Optionally, drag items to change the order in which the content appears.
  10. On the Designer toolbar, click Save Save to save the pop-up changes to the scene.
  11. When you are finished configuring the pop-up, click the Back button Back to return to the Layer properties pane.

For layers in which configuring pop-ups is unavailable, click the Enable pop-ups button to display or hide pop-ups in your scene.

Configure fields

You can configure the field or fields you want to display by changing the display name and formatting the display properties.

  1. Click Configure fields to open the Fields pane.
  2. Select the field you want to configure.

    You can select multiple fields of the same type to configure their formatting at the same time.

    1. Under Display name, change the field name.
    2. For integer and decimal values, click the Show 1000 separator toggle key to display values with a separator.
    3. For decimal values, use the Significant digits option to set the number of significant digits for the value to display.
    4. For date fields, select a date format from the Date format drop-down menu. To display both date and time for the date fields, turn on the Show time toggle button and select a format for displaying time.
  3. Click Done.
  4. On the Designer toolbar, click Save Save to save the pop-up changes to the scene.

Use expressions

You can use custom expressions written in the Arcade expression language when configuring pop-ups. Using expressions allows you to create and display new information from existing fields in the layer. For example, you can create an expression that converts values from feet to meters, or dynamically create a URL based on feature attributes. If an expression is available for the layer, you can copy and reuse it in your pop-up configuration.

You can create expressions in pop-ups or use existing expressions created for the layer.

  1. Follow the steps in the Open a layer section to open the Pop-ups pane.
  2. Click Attribute expressions.

    The Attribute expressions pane appears.

  3. Click Add expression to open the editor window and create the expression.


    If you need help with any of the Arcade functions, click the arrow next to the function to see reference information about it.

  4. In the editor, click Done when you're finished.

    Before closing the editor, give the Arcade expression a title that makes it easily identifiable in the list of fields.

    The new expression is added to the Attribute expressions list. To edit it, select it from the list and make changes in the editor. To remove it, click Remove expression Remove next to it.

    If you used a list of field attributes in the pop-ups, the new expression is added to the Fields list section, and you can change its formatting in the Fields pane.

  5. On the Designer toolbar, click Save Save to save the pop-up changes to the scene.

Add attachments

When a feature layer includes attachments in its data, the attachments are added to the layer's pop-up. Attachments are added as a gallery to the pop-up by default. Clicking attachments in a pop-up opens the attachment in a new browser tab. You can show the attachments as a list, or remove attachments from the pop-up.

  1. Follow the steps in the Open a layer section to open the Pop-ups pane.
  2. Click Attachments.
  3. Enter a title for the attachment.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  4. Enter a description for the attachment.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  5. Optionally, turn on the Show as list toggle button to show the attachments in a list.
  6. Optionally, click Options Options and click Delete to remove attachments from the pop-up.
  7. When finished configuring the pop-up, click the Back button Back to return to the Layer properties pane.
  8. On the Designer toolbar, click Save Save to save the pop-up changes to the scene.

Add charts

You can add charts to graphically display the values of numeric attribute fields. You can add bar charts, line charts, and pie charts.

  1. Follow the steps in the Open a layer section to open the Pop-ups pane.
  2. Click Add content and choose Chart.
  3. Choose the type of chart you want to show.
  4. Enter a title for the chart.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  5. Enter a caption for the chart.

    The caption appears below the title and above the chart. It is useful for giving a short explanation of the data in the chart. You can include an indication of units for column, bar, or line charts in the chart description. A pie chart shows percentages when hovering over each segment.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  6. Enter alternative text for the chart.

    Alternative text is hidden on the pop-up and is used by screen readers.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  7. Click Select fields and select the fields to include in the chart.
  8. Optionally, turn on the Horizontal orientation toggle button to display a bar chart horizontally.
  9. Optionally, turn on the Normalize toggle button and select a normalization field.

    The values in this field are used to divide the value field to create ratios. Normalization ratios are useful when other factors influence the numerical values you are classifying and displaying. For example, population can be influenced by each county's size, so you can divide population by area to standardize the data. Data normalization is also useful for providing a meaningful comparison if the values in the fields do not use the same units of measurement.

  10. Optionally, click Reorder Reorder next to the item in the Media section and drag it to a new position if you have more than one chart (or other media items) and want to change the order in which they appear in the pop-up.
  11. On the Designer toolbar, click Save Save to save the pop-up changes to the scene.

Add images

You can include images in pop-ups by providing a URL to an image (PNG, JPEG, or GIF). The images can include a title, caption, links to related websites, and alternative text.


For the best display, create images that are 200 pixels wide by 150 pixels high. If your image is smaller than 200x150, a white border is visible in the window. If the image is larger, the web browser automatically rescales the image to 200x150 and it may appear warped.

When adding images to pop-ups, you can set a refresh interval. This allows the pop-up to refresh and display a frequently updated image at a specific interval (in minutes). For example, you can use this option to refresh images captured by a traffic camera.

  1. Follow the steps in the Open a layer section to open the Pop-ups pane.
  2. Click Add content and choose Image.
  3. Provide the URL to the image.
    1. Click Add field Add field and select a field value. Use this option if you want a unique image for each feature in the data.
    2. Optionally, provide the URL to an image stored on an external website, in ArcGIS Enterprise, or as an attachment in the layer's data. PNG, JPEG, and GIF formats are supported. If the image is stored as an item in ArcGIS Enterprise, you must provide the URL copied from the URL field on the item page.
  4. Click Options to reveal additional fields for the title, caption, link, and refresh interval.
  5. Enter a title for the image.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  6. Enter a caption.

    The caption appears below the title and above the image. It is useful for giving a short explanation of the image.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  7. Enter alternative text for the image.

    Alternative text is hidden on the pop-up and is used by screen readers.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  8. Enter the URL of a related link.

    When the image is clicked, this URL opens in a new browser tab. You can also enter the URL of a related link or leave it blank.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  9. Optionally, turn on the Refresh interval toggle button and enter a value in minutes in the text box to set a refresh interval for the image.

    When the pop-up is displayed, the image is refreshed at the interval specified.

  10. Optionally, click the Reorder button Reorder next to the item in the Media section and drag it to a new position if you have more than one image (or other media items) and want to change the order in which they appear in the pop-up.
  11. On the Designer toolbar, click Save Save to save the pop-up changes to the scene.

Add text

You can include plain text in pop-ups to add context and information.

  1. Follow the steps in the Open a layer section to open the Pop-ups pane.
  2. Click Add content and choose Text.
  3. Click the text field to open the text editor and enter the text.

    The Add field button Add field allows you to combine static text and field values similarly as the Title section.

  4. Click OK.
  5. On the Designer toolbar, click Save Save to save the pop-up changes to the scene.

Add an Arcade element

In addition to using attribute expressions to return values that function like existing fields, you can use Arcade to create and define entire content elements in pop-ups. Using an Arcade element helps to avoid duplication of logic when working with multiple attribute expressions. Arcade elements allow you to define the data and other aspects of the element in a single expression.

Choose a template for rich text, chart, or fields list elements and create an Arcade expression that defines the element's content.

  1. Follow the steps in the Open a layer section to open the Pop-ups pane.
  2. Click Add content and choose Arcade.

    The editor window appears.

  3. Click Suggestions Suggestions and choose a template from the Templates tab to create the expression.
    Arcade elements return a dictionary that defines your pop-up element. Templates help you get started with the correct dictionary structure. Learn more about the structure of pop-up elements and the pop-up element profile in Arcade.
  4. Click OK.
    Before closing the editor, give the Arcade element a title that makes it easily identifiable in the list of pop-up content elements.
  5. On the Designer toolbar, click Save Save to save the pop-up changes to the scene.

Show related records

Some layers you add to Scene Viewer may contain preestablished relationships to other tables or layers through a common field. For example, a layer showing buildings may have a preestablished relationship to a table with information about each building's tenants. If your layers have relationships, you can configure pop-ups to display the related records.

You can create data relationships within geodatabases in ArcGIS Pro and publish the data to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Server (version 10.1 or later is required). The layer portal item contains the related records and when the layer is added to a scene, you can then configure the pop-ups. You cannot create the relationships when configuring the pop-ups in Scene Viewer.

Scene Viewer supports one-to-one and one-to-many relationships. To show related records in a table, the tables or layers that contain the related data must be added to the scene.


Related records are only supported for hosted feature layers and table layers. It is best practice to configure pop-ups for both layers involved in the relationship.

  1. Follow the steps in the Open a layer section to open the Pop-ups pane.
  2. Click Add content and choose Related records.
  3. Enter a title for the related records shown in the pop-up.
    1. Click Add field Add field to select a field or expression from the data.
    2. Optionally, enter static text instead of or in addition to the field value.
    3. Leave the field blank if you don't want a title.
  4. Enter a description for the related records.
    1. Click Add field Add field and select a field or expression from the data. Use this option if you want a unique description for each feature in the data.
    2. Optionally, enter static text instead of or in addition to the field values.
    3. Leave the field blank if you don't want a description.
  5. Choose a relationship from the drop-down menu.

    The drop-down menu only shows relationships whose component layers have been added to the scene.

  6. From the Sort by drop-down menu, choose a field from the related table or layer.
  7. From the Sort order drop-down menu, choose a sorting method for the related records.
  8. From the Preview count drop-down menu, choose how many related records are shown in the pop-up.
  9. Click OK.
  10. On the Designer toolbar, click Save Save to save the pop-up changes to the scene.

    Related records are now displayed in the pop-up when you or others click a feature on the scene. To get information about a related record, click the arrow next to it in the pop-up. You can then click Select feature Select feature to zoom to and select the related feature and display its pop-up.