Save maps (Map Viewer)

ArcGIS 11.3 | |  Help archive

In Map Viewer (formerly a separate beta installation but now included with the portal automatically), you save maps in the following scenarios:

  • When you create a map, save it to create a map item.

    You are the owner of the map item.

  • You make changes to a map you own and save the changes.

    You must be the owner of a map to edit and save changes to it.

  • You save a copy of someone else's map. This creates a copy of the map, and you are the owner of the copy. You can now edit and save changes to this new map.

    You can make a copy of someone else's map only if the owner has checked the box next to Allow others to save a copy of this item on the Settings tab of the web maps item page.

  • You make a copy of a map you own. You might do this if you created a map to use as a template that contains the basemap and initial settings you commonly use.

In all these scenarios, you must have privileges to create content.


You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly complete common workflows in Map Viewer. To view the full list of keyboard shortcuts in Map Viewer, press Alt+? on Microsoft Windows or Option+? on Mac.

To save a map, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to the organization.
  2. Click the app launcher App launcher and select Map Viewer. Use the new map that opens or open an existing map.
    • Click Save and open Save and open and click Save to initially save a map.
    • Click Save and open Save and open and click Save to save changes to a map you own.
    • Click Save and open Save and open and click Save as to save a copy of a map.
  3. If you are saving a map for the first time or saving a copy of a map, do the following:
    1. Type a title.
    2. If your organization has set up content categories, click Assign Category and select up to 20 categories to help users find the map. Optionally, use the Filter categories option to narrow the list of categories.
    3. Optionally, type tags that describe the map.
      Tags are words or short phrases that describe a map. Separate the terms with commas. Federal land is considered one tag, while Federal, land is considered two tags.
    4. Optionally, type a summary that describes the map.
    5. Choose a folder in My Content where you want to save the map and click Save map.
  4. Tip:

    To change the title of the map after you save it, click Edit map title Edit next to the title, modify the title, and click Confirm Confirm.

When you initially save a map or save a copy of a map, a new map item appears on the My Content tab of the content page and is only available to you. Depending on your sharing privileges, you may be able to share the map with groups to which you belong, your organization, or everyone (public).

As the map owner, you can also edit the map's item details.