Add and register an app

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You can add existing web apps as items to your organization so members can search and discover them. When you add an app as an item, you are sharing the URL to the app; the portal does not host the app files.

Another way to share apps with members of your organization is to publish a web app you create from a map. For more information, see Create apps from maps.

Add an app from a URL

Follow these steps to add an item that uses a URL to access an app on the web:

  1. Verify that you are signed in and have the privilege to create content.
  2. From the My Content tab of the content page, click New item and click Application.
  3. Choose the type of app:
    • Web Mapping—A web app built with a web API, such as JavaScript.
    • Desktop—An app for desktops built on a desktop platform, such as Java or .NET (Microsoft Windows Desktop).
    • Mobile—A downloadable app built for mobile devices with an SDK, such as iOS or Android.
    • Other application—A desktop application or any type of generic app for which you don't have details about the application's purpose, API, SDK, or URL address.

    If you're signed in as an administrator, additional options are available for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder and ArcGIS Experience Builder apps.

  4. For web mapping, desktop, or mobile, type the URL of the app, for example, https://<myServer>/myWebMapApp.
  5. For desktop apps, click Browse and choose the .zip file that contains the app.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Type a title.
  8. Choose a folder in My Content where you want to save the item.
  9. If your organization administrator configured content categories, click Assign categories and select up to 20 categories to help people find the item.

    You can also start typing a category name to narrow the list of categories.

  10. Optionally, type tags that describe the item.

    Separate the terms with commas (for example, Federal land is considered one tag; Federal, land is considered two tags).

    As you type, you can select any of the suggested tags that appear; suggestions are generated from tags you have added previously.

  11. Optionally, add a summary that describes the app.
  12. Click Save.

Once you add the app, it appears in your content.

You can configure the item details, attach code if required, and share the app if you have sharing privileges.

Register an app

You can register the OAuth 2.0-based apps you develop. Registering an app with the portal provides you with an app ID. The app ID is the foundation for distributing apps and getting usage reports.

You must add the app to the portal before you register it. See the section above for details. After you've added it, follow the steps below to register the app and get an app ID and app secret.

  1. Verify that you are signed in with an account that has privileges to create content.
  2. From the My Content tab of the content page, click the title of the app you want to register.

    Clicking the app name opens its item page.

  3. Click the Settings tab, scroll down to the App Registration section, and click Register.

    If you add a generic type of app, the app is automatically registered and you see the Registered Info button instead of the Register button. You can view and update the registration information, as described below.

  4. Select the type of app: browser, native, server, or multiple.
  5. For each redirect URI, provide the address in the format ["https://<server>[:port]"] and click Add.

    Redirect URIs are valid addresses that users of the app can be redirected to after they successfully sign in.

  6. To remove a URI you previously added, select it, click Delete, and click Register.

View and update app registration information

Once you've registered an app, you can view registration information—which includes an app ID and an app secret—and update the redirect URIs, reset the secret, and unregister the app.


Resetting the app secret invalidates all existing user and app tokens issued for the app. Users must sign in to the app again, and apps configured with the secret may need to be updated.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to the portal and click the My Content tab of the content page.
  2. Click the title of the registered app.
  3. On the item page, click the Settings tab.
  4. Scroll down to the Application Settings section and click Registered Info.

    You can view the following details: app ID, app secret, app type, and redirect URIs.

  5. To update the redirect URIs, click Update and do the following:
    1. To add a redirect URI, provide the address and click Add.
    2. To remove a redirect URl, select the URI address and click Delete.
    3. Click Update and click Save.
  6. To reset the app secret, click Update and do the following:
    1. Click Reset Secret.

      Resetting the app secret invalidates all existing user and app tokens issued for this app. Users must sign in to the app again, and apps configured with the secret may need to be updated.

    2. Click Yes to confirm the resetting of the app secret.
    3. Click Update and click Save.
  7. To unregister an app, click Unregister App.

    The app is no longer registered. You do not need to save the item page.