Aggregate Multidimensional Raster (Map Viewer)

ArcGIS 11.3 | |  Help archive

The Aggregate Multidimensional Raster tool generates a multidimensional imagery layer by combining existing multidimensional variables along a dimension.

The output is a hosted imagery layer.


Many multidimensional imagery layers have data that spans many dimensions, but for some analysis, the data will need to be organized in a different dimension. For instance, if you have 30 years of sea surface temperature that has been collected monthly, you can use the Aggregate Multidimensional Raster tool to organize the data into quarterly time slices.

The Aggregate Multidimensional Raster tool can be used on a year of precipitation data organized in hourly slices. However, the existing precipitation data is organized in daily slices. You can use the Aggregate Multidimensional Raster tool to aggregate the data into daily slices to compare it to the existing precipitation data.

Usage notes

Aggregate Multidimensional Raster includes configurations for input layer, aggregation settings, and result layer.

Input layers

The Input layers group includes the following parameters:

  • Multidimensional imagery layer is used to select the imagery layer that will be aggregated into a new multidimensional imagery layer. If there are no imagery layers available to be selected in the tool, a multidimensional imagery layer must be added to the map.
  • Dimension indicates which of the dimensions available in the imagery layer will be used for aggregation into a new multidimensional imagery layer. If the desired dimension is not available in the drop-down menu, the imagery layer selected may not contain the dimension.
  • Variables indicates which variable will be aggregated along the selected dimension. If no variable is specified, all variables with the selected dimension will be aggregated.

Aggregation settings

The Aggregation settings group includes the following parameters:

  • Aggregation method describes which mathematical method will be used to generate the new multidimensional imagery layer when the slices are aggregated. Aggregation method includes the following options:
    • Mean—The mean of a pixel's values will be calculated across all slices in the interval. This is the default.
    • Maximum—The maximum value of a pixel will be calculated across all slices in the interval.
    • Majority—The pixel value that occurred most frequently will be calculated across all slices in the interval.
    • Minimum—The minimum value of a pixel will be calculated across all slices in the interval.
    • Minority—The pixel value that occurred least frequently will be calculated across all slices in the interval.
    • Median—The median value of a pixel will be calculated across all slices in the interval.
    • Percentile—The percentile of values for a pixel will be calculated across all slices in the interval. The 90th percentile is calculated by default. You can specify other values (from 0 to 100) using the Percentile value parameter.
    • Range—The range of values for a pixel will be calculated across all slices in the interval.
    • Standard Deviation—The standard deviation of a pixel's values will be calculated across all slices in the interval.
    • Sum—The sum of a pixel's values will be calculated across all slices in the interval.
    • Variety—The number of unique pixel values will be calculated across all slices in the interval.
    • Custom—The pixel value will be calculated based on a custom raster function.
  • Aggregation definition defines the dimension interval for which the data will be aggregated. Aggregation definition includes the following options:
    • All—The data values will be aggregated across all slices. This is the default.
    • Interval keyword—The variable data will be aggregated using a commonly known interval.
    • Interval value—The variable data will be aggregated using a user-specified interval and unit.
    • Interval range—The variable data will be aggregated between specified pairs of values or dates.
  • Interval keyword specifies the keyword interval that will be used when aggregating along the dimension. This parameter is available when Interval keyword is chosen for Aggregation definition and includes the following options:
    • Hourly—The data values will be aggregated into hourly time steps, and the result will include every hour in the time series.
    • Daily—The data values will be aggregated into daily time steps, and the result will include every day in the time series.
    • Weekly—The data values will be aggregated into weekly time steps, and the result will include every week in the time series.
    • Monthly—The data values will be aggregated into monthly time steps, and the result will include every month in the time series.
    • Quarterly—The data values will be aggregated into quarterly time steps, and the result will include every quarter in the time series.
    • Yearly—The data values will be aggregated into yearly time steps, and the result will include every year in the time series.
    • Recurring daily—The data values will be aggregated into daily time steps, and the result will include one aggregated value per Julian day. The output will include, at most, 366 daily time slices.
    • Recurring weekly—The data values will be aggregated into weekly time steps, and the result will include one aggregated value per week. The output will include, at most, 53 weekly time slices.
    • Recurring monthly—The data values will be aggregated into monthly time steps, and the result will include one aggregated value per month. The output will include, at most, 12 monthly time slices.
    • Recurring quarterly—The data values will be aggregated into quarterly time steps, and the result will include one aggregated value per quarter. The output will include, at most, 4 quarterly time slices.
    • Dekadly—The data values will be aggregated into 3 periods of 10 days each. The last period can contain more or fewer than 10 days. The output will include 3 slices for each month.
    • Pentadly—The data values will be aggregated into 6 periods of 5 days each. The last period can contain more or fewer than 5 days. The output will include 6 slices for each month.
  • Interval value determines the size of the interval that will be used for the aggregation. This parameter is available when Interval value is chosen for Aggregation definition.
  • Interval unit specifies the unit used for the interval value. This parameter is available when the Dimension is a time field and Interval value is chosen for Aggregation definition.
  • Minimum value indicates the lowest value in the interval range. This parameter is available when Interval range is chosen for Aggregation definition.
  • Maximum value indicates the highest value in the interval range. This parameter is available when Interval range is chosen for Aggregation definition.
  • Ignore NoData indicates whether the missing values are ignored in the analysis or considered part of the analysis.

Result layer

The Result layer group includes the following parameters:

  • Output name determines the name of the layer that is created and added to the map. The name must be unique. If a layer with the same name already exists in your organization, the tool will fail and you will be prompted to use a different name.
  • Save in folder specifies the name of a folder in My content where the result will be saved.


Analysis environment settings are additional parameters that affect a tool's results. You can access the tool's analysis environment settings from the Environment settings parameter group.

This tool honors the following analysis environments:


The output is a multidimensional imagery layer that is aggregated according to the settings of the tool with the described new dimensions.

Usage requirements

This tool requires the following licensing and configurations:


Use the following resources to learn more: