Geocode Locations from Table (Map Viewer)

ArcGIS 11.3 | |  Help archive

The Geocode Locations from Table tool geocodes large tables and files of addresses into points. The output can be a comma-separated values file (.csv), an Excel spreadsheet (.xls), or a feature layer and can be used for analysis in ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, Excel, and other products. The Geocode Locations from Table tool creates an item in My content containing the geocoded data. You can then download the data from the item page.

Learn more about how Geocode Locations from Table works


A coffee shop chain uses an Excel spreadsheet containing addresses of 100,000 store locations. The marketing director wants to know where their stores are densely concentrated to determine where to locate new stores. The GIS analyst can use the Geocode Locations from Table tool to geocode the 100,000 addresses.

Usage notes

The Geocode Locations from Table tool includes configurations for input values, field mapping, and a result layer.

Input values

The Input values group includes the following parameters:

  • Input type specifies the type of input that can be selected. If Hosted table is selected, the Input table parameter will be available to select an input. If CSV/Excel is selected, the Input file parameter will be available to select an input.
  • Input table specifies the table that contains the address fields on which geocoding will be performed. The input must be a hosted Table item. Input table is available if Hosted table is selected for Input type.

    A count of features is displayed below the table name. The count includes all features in the table, except those that were removed using a filter.
  • Input file specifies the file that contains the address fields on which geocoding will be performed. The input must be a hosted .csv file or .xls file. Input file is available if CSV/Excel is selected for Input type.

Field mapping

The Field mapping group includes the following parameters:

  • Locator specifies the locator service that will be used. If the locator service you want to use is not in the drop-down menu, contact your administrator to have the locator service configured for batch geocoding. If Esri World Batch Geocoder is chosen, credits will be consumed from the ArcGIS Online organization from which the service originates.
  • Country specifies the country where the data is located. If all of the addresses are from one country, select that country to ensure the most accurate results. Otherwise, leave this parameter empty. This parameter is available if Esri World Batch Geocoder is used for the Locator parameter.
  • Number of fields to map specifies whether the input data is contained in a single field or multiple fields. If the input table has all its data in one column, select Single field; otherwise, select Multiple fields.
  • Field mapping specifies the fields that will be used by the locator to determine the locations of the data. Certain fields are expected in the data, such as address, city, state, and postal code.
  • Output fields specifies the fields that will be included in the output dataset. The options are as follows:
    • All—Includes all available locator output fields in the geocode results. This is the default.
    • Minimal—Includes a subset of fields from the locator and maintains the fields from the input table. The following fields are included: Shape, Status, Score, Match_type, Match_addr, and Addr_type.
    • Location only—Includes the Shape field from the locator and maintains the fields from the input table.

Result layer

The Result layer group includes the following parameters:

  • Output format specifies the type of output that will be created. The output can be a feature service, .csv file, or .xls file. If you create a feature service, the addresses from the input table will be added to the map as a layer of point features. If you create a .csv or .xls file, the files will be saved as an item in My content.
  • Output name specifies the name of the output item where the located data will be stored. The name must be unique. If an item with the same name exists in your organization, the tool will fail and you will be prompted to use a different name.
  • Save in folder specifies the name of a folder in My content where the result will be saved.


The following limitations apply to the tool:

  • The tool requires at least one table or file. If you do not have any tables, .csv files, or .xls files in My content, the tool will be unavailable.
  • A locator can only be used if it is configured as a utility service by an administrator. For more information, see Configure the portal to geocode addresses.


Analysis environment settings are additional parameters that affect a tool's results. You can access the tool's analysis environment settings from the Environment settings parameter group.

This tool honors the following analysis environments:

  • Output coordinate system
  • Processing extent

    The default processing extent in Map Viewer is Full extent. This default is different from Map Viewer Classic in which Use current map extent is enabled by default.


Credits will be consumed if the tool is run using ArcGIS World Geocoding Service.

For more information, see Understand credits for spatial analysis.


The output is a hosted item containing a feature service or a downloadable .csv or .xls file. The fields in the output depend on the selection in the Output fields parameter.

Licensing requirements

This tool requires the following licensing and configurations:

  • Creator or GIS Professional user type
  • Publisher or Administrator role, or an equivalent custom role

The following privileges and services are required to use Esri World Batch Geocoder as the locator:

  • Geocoding privilege
  • ArcGIS World Geocoding Service


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