Raster Function Template

ArcGIS 11.4 | |  Help archive

Raster function templates are combinations of raster functions that are used to create a specific visualization or analysis that can be repeated, similar to the way a model in ArcGIS Pro is used and shared.

Raster function templates can be accessed in ArcGIS Online, created in ArcGIS Pro, or created in ArcGIS Online using the Raster Function Editor.


Raster function templates can also be created through the Raster Function Editor in Map Viewer.

Open a raster function template from a web map

There are many built-in raster functions available for imagery and raster-related tasks. Once you know the functions needed for your task, you can open raster function templates to use in a web map. When the raster function templates are added to your organization, you can open them in Map Viewer for use in web maps.

To open a raster function template from a web map, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in and have the privileges to create content and perform imagery analysis.
  2. Open a new or existing map in Map Viewer.
  3. On the Settings (light) toolbar, click Analysis Analysis.

    If you do not see the Analysis button in Map Viewer, contact your ArcGIS administrator. Your organization may not be configured or you may not have privileges to perform spatial analysis. If you do not have the privileges required for a tool or raster function, it will not be visible.

    Learn more about licensing requirements for spatial analysis

  4. Click the Raster Function Templates button Raster Function Template to open the Raster Function Templates tab.
  5. Click the Browse Raster Function Templates button Browse Raster Function Templates in the Raster functions pane.

    The Browse Raster Function Templates dialog box appears.

    Raster function templates that you have created are listed in My Content. You can change the location to browse to find other raster function templates that have been shared or are available from ArcGIS Online.

  6. Choose the raster function or function template to use, and click the Confirm button to open the raster function template in the Raster Functions pane.

    Once the raster function template is open, the parameters of the raster function or raster function template are accessible.

  7. Select the input layers and modify the parameters as needed for the analysis.
  8. Optionally, once the parameters have been set, enable Show preview to preview the results of the raster function.

    By enabling the preview, a visual representation of the results of the raster function is shown in the map. Modify the parameters as necessary to achieve the desired results before running the tool. The generated preview layers will appear as a list in the Preview section to maintain a visualization based on those particular parameters. To update the preview layers or create a preview layer, click the New preview button.


    Previews are available for all raster functions, except global raster functions.

  9. Click Open to run to open the raster function template in the Analysis pane.
  10. In the Analysis pane, confirm the modifications to the parameters for the raster function template, provide an output name, and preview the output if necessary.
  11. Once you confirm the parameters and preview, click Run to create an imagery layer.