Notebooks are authored in the notebook editor, which is opened from the ArcGIS Enterprise portal. This topic introduces the components and menus in the notebook editor.
Open a notebook
To open and edit notebooks you own, complete the following steps.
- Sign in as a user with privileges to create and edit notebooks.
- On the navigation bar of your organization, click Notebook.
The Notebooks home page opens.
- Optionally, click the Options button
on an item to do one of the following:
- Preview or View details of notebooks that you own (in My notebooks) or that have been shared with you (in Shared notebooks or Esri sample notebooks).
- Delete notebook items that you own (in My notebooks).
- Click Open.
The notebook editor opens.
- Click the Save drop-down menu
and then click Save As.
The Save notebook as window appears.
- Add a title and, optionally, alter the Folder, Tags, and Summary options.
- Click Save notebook.
The notebook is saved and added to My notebooks.
Interface basics
The notebook editor has the following basic components:
- Navigation bar—Browse the website, open other apps from the app launcher, view help resources, and sign in or out of your profile. The navigation bar also displays the title of your notebook and indicates whether you have unsaved changes to the notebook.
- Top ribbon—Perform various tasks involving your notebook. This ribbon has the following buttons:
- Add—Add layers and web tools to the notebook.
- Analysis—Access analysis tools to use in the notebook.
- Code snippets—Use Python code snippets in the notebook.
- Files—Browse files in your ArcGIS workspace and the data from sample notebooks.
- Tasks—Create one or multiple tasks to automate running of the notebook, and specify the task's schedule.
- Parameters—Configure input and output parameters for the notebook to be published as a web tool. Input parameters configured for a notebook will be available when creating a scheduled task.
- Publish—Publish the notebook as a web tool.
- Snapshots—Create a snapshot of the notebook.
- Share—Share the notebook.
- Info—Get information about the notebook. You can edit the notebook's metadata (title, tags, description, terms of use, and credits). You can also view the notebook runtime and its available libraries.
- Save—Save the notebook in its present state. When you open a shared notebook, this button reads Save As.
- Notebook menu ribbon—The actions on this ribbon are for working directly in the notebook. You can add and delete cells, change the notebook appearance, return the notebook to a previous checkpoint, and more. This ribbon also displays whether the notebook is trusted and the version of Python being run.
- Toolbar—Use the tools for common tasks in the notebook.
- Workspace—The notebook content is displayed here, and you can modify the content here as well.
Notebook menu ribbon
The following actions are available from the drop-down lists in the notebook menu ribbon.
From the File menu, you can choose to download or export the notebook in one of the following formats:
- Markdown (.md)
- Notebook (.ipynb)
- Reveal.js slides (.slides.html)
You can also download the notebook in .ipynb format from the notebook's item page.
The following items are available on the Edit menu:
- Undo
- Redo
- Undo Cell Operation
- Redo Cell Operation
- Cut Cell
- Copy Cell
- Paste Cell Below
- Paste Cell Above
- Paste Cell and Replace
- Delete Cell
- Select All Cells
- Deselect All Cells
- Move Cell Up
- Move Cell Down
- Edit Notebook Metadata
- Split Cell
- Merge Selected Cells
- Merge Cell Above
- Merge Cell Below
- Clear Cell Output
- Clear Outputs of All Cells
- Find
- Find Next
- Find Previous
The following items are available on the View menu:
- Active Command Palette
- Table of Contents
- Debugger Panel
- Show Line Numbers
- Colapse Selected Code
- Collapse Selected Outputs
- Collapse All Code
- Collapse All Outputs
- Expand Selected Code
- Expand Selected Outputs
- Expand All Code
- Expand All Outputs
- Render Side-by-Side
The following items are available on the Run menu:
- Run Selected Cell
- Run Selected Cell and Insert Below
- Run Selected Cell and do not Advance
- Run All Above Selected Cell
- Run Selected Cell and All Below
- Render All Markdown Cells
- Run All Cells
- Restart Kernel and Run All Cells
- Cell Type—Change the type of the currently selected cell. The options are Code, Markdown, and Raw.
The following items are available on the Kernel menu:
- Interrupt Kernel
- Restart Kernel
- Restart Kernel and Clear Outputs of All Cells
- Restart Kernel and Run up to Selected Cell
- Restart Kernel and Run All Cells
- Restart Kernel and Debug
- Shut Down Kernel
The following items are available on the Settings menu:
- Theme
- JupyterLab Light
- JupyterLab Dark
- JupyterLab Dark High Contrast
- Theme Scrollbars
- Increase Code Font Size
- Decrease Code Font Size
- Increase Content Font Size
- Decrease Content Font Size
- Increase UI Font Size
- Decrease UI Font Size
- Auto Close Brackets
This list provides access to information on keyboard shortcuts, the user interface, and the various help documents associated with ArcGIS Notebooks and key Python modules.
Notebook toolbar buttons
The notebook toolbar provides quick access to the most commonly used actions from the notebook menu ribbon. The available buttons, from left to right, are as follows:
- Add—Insert a cell below the currently selected cell.
- Cut—Cut the currently selected cell.
- Copy—Copy the currently selected cell.
- Paste—Paste the copied cells below the currently selected cell.
- Run—Run the currently selected cell.
- Stop—Interrupt the kernel.
- Restart—Restart the kernel.
- Fast-forward—Restart the kernel and run all cells.
- Cell type—Select or change the type of the currently selected cell.