Print maps (Map Viewer)

ArcGIS 11.4 | |  Help archive

Use the Print tool in Map Viewer to export a printer-friendly page of your map in various formats including PDF, PNG, JPEG, GIF, EPS, and SVG. You can print the map layout or only the map.

Print a map layout

The map layout includes the document title, a scale bar, and the date. To create a printer-friendly map layout, complete the following steps:

  1. In Map Viewer, open the map you want to print.
  2. On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Print Print.
  3. Click the Layout tab.
  4. Type a title for the map document.
  5. In the Template section, click the default layout option to open the Choose template pane. Choose a layout template and click Done.
    If your organization has configured custom print layouts, those templates will be available in the Organization templates section of the Choose template pane.

    The extent that will be included in the exported layout is highlighted on the map. The preview of the map area updates dynamically when a different layout is selected.


    Using the print area preview helps ensure that the area of the map that you want printed is included in the exported print layout. Use keyboard shortcuts to help you set the extent of the print area. Press Shift and drag a box on the map to draw a preview area. Press Escape to reset the preview area. To view the full list of keyboard shortcuts in Map Viewer, press Alt+? on Microsoft Windows or Option+? on Mac.

  6. Optionally, turn off the Show print area toggle button to hide the preview of the map area that will be included in the exported layout.
  7. From the File format drop-down menu, choose the file type to export.

    File types include PDF, PNG8, PNG32, JPG, AIX, GIF, EPS, SVG, and SVGZ.

  8. Optionally, expand the Advanced options section and do any of the following:
    • Set the map scale.
    • Include author and copyright information.
    • Change the dpi of the map.
    • Include a map legend.
    • Include a north arrow.

      Some print services do not support the option to include a north arrow. Depending on the print service configured for your organization, the north arrow check box may not appear.

  9. Click Export to create the map file.

Exported files are listed in the Exports tab. You can click the file to open it in a new browser tab and print it using your browser's print option. Closing the Exports tab does not remove the exported files. Exported files are removed when you close the map or refresh your browser.

Print the map

To create a printer-friendly document of only the map, complete the following steps:

  1. In Map Viewer, open the map you want to print.
  2. On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Print Print.
  3. Click the Map only tab.
  4. Type a file name for the map document.
  5. From the File format drop-down menu, choose the file type to export.

    File types include PDF, PNG8, PNG32, JPG, AIX, GIF, EPS, SVG, and SVGZ.

  6. Provide a width and height for the map document.
  7. Click and drag the map to select the extent of the exported map.

    The extent that will be included in the exported map is highlighted on the map.


    Using the print area preview helps ensure that the area of the map that you want printed is included in the exported map. Use keyboard shortcuts to help you set the extent of the print area. Press Shift and drag a box on the map to draw a preview area. To view the full list of keyboard shortcuts in Map Viewer, press Alt+? on Microsoft Windows or Option+? on Mac.

  8. Optionally, turn off the Show print area toggle button to hide the preview of the map area that will be included in the exported map.
  9. Optionally, expand the Advanced options section and do any of the following:
    • Set the map scale.
    • Change the dpi of the map.
    • Include a basemap attribution.
  10. Click Export to create the map file.

Exported files are listed in the Exports tab. You can click the file to open it in a new browser tab and print it using your browser's print option. Closing the Exports tab does not remove the exported files. Exported files are removed when you close the map or refresh your browser.


The following limitations exist when printing maps in Map Viewer:

  • Legends are not supported for layers with the following configurations:
    • Effects
    • Binning
    • Pie chart renderer
  • Legends are not included in the print output if there is not enough space in the template. If the legend contains a large number of classes or layers, consider using a custom print template.
  • Parts of the print output may be cut off when printing with the following configurations if the Show print area toggle button is not turned on:
    • Effects
    • Binning
    • Pie chart renderer
  • Layers configured with any of the following will print as if those configurations are not applied:

    • Group layers using layer blending or effects
    • Layers with a combination of both blending and effects
    • Layers with any of the following blend modes applied: Average, Destination Atop, Destination In, Destination Out, Destination Over, Invert, Lighter, Minus, Plus, Reflect, Source Atop, Source In, Source Out, Vivid Light, XOR
    • Layers for which the Display features by value order toggle button is turned on in the Types or Predominance style
    • Layers using a renderer with an Above or Below theme applied
    • Imagery layers with a pixel filter applied
  • Symbols will not appear rotated with the map in the print output for layers with the following configurations:
    • Effects
    • Binning
    • Pie chart renderer