Publishing hosted imagery layer workflows

ArcGIS 11.4 | |  Help archive

Many different workflows are supported when publishing imagery layers depending on where the input imagery is stored and what type of imagery layer that is being created. There are many parameters that can be modified during the publishing process to build the imagery layer that fits your workflow.

Publish multidimensional imagery layers

You can publish multidimensional raster data as an imagery layer and use multidimensional filtering on your layer to display a specified slice in a web map. You can also use the multidimensional settings to control which time slice is visible and use the multidimensional analysis tools.

To publish a multidimensional imagery layer from a single NetCDF, HDF, or GRIB file, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in with an account that has privileges to create content and publish hosted imagery layers, and click the My content tab of the content page.
  2. Click New item and choose Imagery layer.
  3. For your layer configuration, choose One Image and click Next.
  4. Optionally, click the Configure Properties button and, on the General tab, check the Convert to CRF format check box. Modify any other properties you want on the General or Metadata tabs, depending on your data and click Apply.
  5. Browse to the NetCDF, HDF, or GRIB file, or drag it into the dotted area. Click Next.
  6. Provide the item details for your imagery layer and click Create.

To publish a multidimensional imagery layer from one or more NetCDF, HDF, or GRIB files, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in with an account that has privileges to create content and publish hosted imagery layers, and click the My content tab of the content page.
  2. Click New item and choose Imagery layer.
  3. For your layer configuration, choose One Mosaicked Image or Image Collection and click Next.
  4. Select the raster type NetCDF, HDF, or GRIB, depending on your data.
  5. Optionally, click the Configure Properties button and, on the General tab, check the Convert to CRF format check box. Modify any other properties you want on the General or Metadata tabs, depending on your data and click Apply.
  6. Note:
    For supported data formats, NetCDF-3 and GRIB-2, you can select the Vector field processing template to specify either the UV-components or Magnitude-Direction of the vector field data.
  7. Browse to the NetCDF, HDF, or GRIB file, or drag the file into the dotted area. Click Next.
  8. Provide the item details for your imagery layer and click Create.

Publish a single imagery layer from multiple input images

There are two layer configurations that can be utilized to publish a single imagery layer from multiple input images.

  1. One Mosaicked Image: Using this configuration, you can create one imagery layer by mosaicked multiple images into single dataset. For example, you should use this option if you have ten input images and you want to merge them into a single dataset and access it through an imagery layer.
  2. Image Collection: Using this configuration, you can create one imagery layer that manages a collection of many images. For example, you should use this option if you have ten input images and you want to access the input images and manage them through a single imagery layer.
To publish a single imagery layer from multiple input images, follow the steps below.

  1. Verify that you are signed in with an account that has privileges to create content and publish hosted imagery layers, and click the My content tab of the content page.
  2. Click New item and choose Imagery layer.
  3. For your layer configuration, choose One Mosaicked Image or Image Collection, based on your requirements, and click Next.
  4. Optionally, click the Configure Properties button and modify any properties on the General, Processing, Spatial Reference, or Metadata tabs, depending on your data, and click Apply.
  5. Browse to the location of the input images, or drag them into the dotted area. Click Next.
  6. Provide the item details for your imagery layer and click Create.

Publish Cloud Raster Format data

You can publish Cloud Raster Format (CRF) raster data as an imagery layer, whether it's multidimensional or not.

To publish an imagery layer from CRF data, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in with an account that has privileges to create content and publish hosted imagery layers, and click the My content tab of the content page.
  2. Click New item and choose Imagery layer.
  3. For your layer configuration, choose One Image and click Next.
  4. Keep the default Raster Dataset raster type.
  5. Optionally, modify the properties by clicking the Configure Properties button.
  6. Drag the entire CRF folder into the dotted area. Browse is not supported for CRF data. Click Next.
  7. Provide the item details for your imagery layer and click Create.

Publish categorical imagery layers

You can publish categorical (or thematic) imagery layers, such as land cover, for raster data that has an associated attribute table or color map.

To publish a categorical raster dataset as an imagery layer, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in with an account that has privileges to create content and publish hosted imagery layers, and click the My content tab of the content page.
  2. Click New item and choose Imagery layer.
  3. For the layer configuration, choose One Image if you have one input image and click Next.
  4. If you want to publish a single imagery layer from multiple categorical raster datasets, you can choose One Mosaicked Image or Image Collection layer configuration.
  5. Accept the default raster type, Raster Dataset.
  6. Click the Configure Properties button and, on the General tab, set the Source type to Thematic.

    The Auxiliary Information tab appears.

  7. On the Auxiliary Information tab, check the box labeled My data has a raster attribute table or colormap.

    A browsing window appears.

  8. Browse to the color map file (.clr) or raster attribute table (.vat.dbf) that is associated with your dataset.
  9. Click Apply in the raster type properties window.
  10. Browse to the categorical raster data, or drag it into the dotted area. Click Next.
  11. Provide the item details for your imagery layer and click Create.

Upload and publish an image collection

You can add all supported raster formats to a .zip file and upload them to ArcGIS Enterprise as an image collection item.


Raster products and mosaic datasets in a geodatabase are currently not supported.

The following steps explain how to create, upload, and publish an image collection in the portal.

  1. Create a .zip file containing the images you want to load and publish.
  2. Place the .zip file in a location you can access from the portal website.
  3. Sign in to your portal organization and click Content > My content.
  4. Click New item > Your device to add the image collection.
  5. Drag the .zip file into the dotted area or browse to the .zip file and click Open.
  6. Choose Image Collection from the File type drop-down list.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Fill in the Title text box.
  9. Optionally, type tags and a summary.
  10. Click Save.

This will upload the .zip file and an image collection item will be created in your portal. Additionally, if you are signed in with an account that has privileges to publish hosted imagery layers, then a Publish option will be available. Click Publish, then provide the item details for your imagery layer and click Save to create the hosted imagery layer from the .zipped image collection. These items are accessible only to you by default. You can share these items with other portal members, the public, or members of specific groups.