Configure time for a layer in a scene

ArcGIS 11.4 | |  Help archive

When there is time-sensitive data in your scene, you can animate the data and visualize it at each step and see patterns or trends emerging over time. Examples of time sensitive data that are appropriate for this type of animation are meteorological events, population migrations, or flood event progression.

Under Time in Layer properties Settings, you can configure time in a layer.

Enable time

To enable a time-sensitive layer to interact with the Time slider Time slider when a time filter is applied to a scene, turn on the Enable time toggle button.


The Enable time toggle button is not available for layers that are not configured with time-enabled data.

Set a visibility period for a layer

For all layers, you can set a specific time period to turn on the layer visibility when using the Apply time filter option in Time slider Time slider. This means that the entire layer will be visible during the desired time period. For example, in a redevelopment scenario, you may want to show an integrated mesh scene layer of the terrain only for specific time period in the future.

  1. Turn on the Layer visibility period toggle button.

    The time period pane expands.

  2. Under Start, provide a start date and time for the layer visibility.
  3. Under End, provide an end date and time for the layer visibility.
  4. Click Done to return to the Layer Manager pane.
  5. Save the scene.

    This layer is now configured to interact with the time slider.