Work with catalog layers (Map Viewer)

ArcGIS 11.4 | |  Help archive

A catalog layer points to different items and services, helping you to better organize and manage your data. These items can include layers and services that have been published to ArcGIS Online. The references, which are catalogued and added as items in a dataset, can be visualized, filtered, and queried dynamically in maps and scenes. Catalog layers can be viewed in Map Viewer, and layers can be added directly to the map from the catalog layer.

Catalog layers can make it easier for users to find information. Instead of manually gathering and adding each dataset separately in your map, you can create a catalog layer to serve as a centralized reference point for all of your data that can be distributed and accessed more efficiently.

Catalog layers are distinct from catalog datasets. Catalog datasets are created and managed in a geodatabase, and catalog layers are added to and visualized in maps and scenes. There can be more than one copy of the same catalog layer, but each copy of the layer references the one dataset. To learn more about how to create and manage catalog datasets, see Catalog layers in ArcGIS Pro.

Catalog layer contents

When added to a map or scene, the catalog layer draws with two primary sublayers: the Footprints feature layer and the Layers In View composite layer. These sublayers are organized under the composite catalog layer, which controls many of the sublayer's properties. All items in the catalog layer are read-only references to the underlying datasets.


If you have permission to access the catalog layer, all features in the Footprints layer will be visible on the map. However, in the Layers In View composite layer, only layers that you have permission to access will appear on the map.

Explore the Footprints layer

The Footprints feature layer is symbolized to show the boundary or extent of each item in the catalog layer. You can set the layer properties and apply styles to the Footprints layer. You cannot remove the Footprints layer from the catalog layer structure. You cannot query the Footprints layer or examine its data structure. The layer cannot be rebuilt, and its extents cannot be recalculated.

Do the following to work with the Footprints layer:

  1. Confirm that you are signed in and, if you want to save your changes, that you have privileges to create, update, and delete content.
  2. In Map Viewer, open the map containing the layer or add the layer directly.
  3. On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Layers Layers if the Layers pane is not open.
  4. In the Layers pane, click Expand Expand on the catalog layer to view the Footprints layer and the Layers In View composite layer. Click Collapse Collapse to collapse the catalog layer.
  5. With the catalog layer expanded, show or hide the Footprints layer by pointing to it and turning the layer visibility toggle button on or off.
  6. Click Options Options on the Footprints layer and do any of the following:
    • Click Zoom to to zoom to the layer on the map.
    • Click Show properties to open the Properties pane for the layer.
    • Click Rename to rename the layer. Type a new name for the layer and click OK.

Explore the Layers In View composite layer

The Layers In View composite layer dynamically updates to display catalog items (layers) in the current view. By default, Layers In View draws up to 10 layers at a time. This default setting can be changed by adjusting the layer limit. Because the layer is dynamic, its list of layers in the Layers pane changes as you pan, zoom, or change the view's extent. A layer limit prevents the catalog layer from displaying all items in the dataset. This is useful for filtering out items that may consume additional resources.

Do the following to work with the Layers In View composite layer:

  1. Confirm that you are signed in and, if you want to save your changes, that you have privileges to create, update, and delete content.
  2. In Map Viewer, open the map containing the layer or add the layer directly.
  3. On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Layers Layers if the Layers pane is not open.
  4. In the Layers pane, click Expand Expand on the catalog layer to view the Footprints layer and the Layers In View composite layer. Click Collapse Collapse to collapse the catalog layer.
  5. With the catalog layer expanded, change the visibility of the Layers In View composite layer by pointing to it and turning the layer visibility toggle button on or off.
  6. Click Options Options on the Layers In View composite layer to zoom to the layer on the map, open the Properties pane for the layer, or rename the layer.
  7. Expand the Layers In View composite layer to view its layers.
  8. Click Options Options on a layer in the Layers In View composite layer and do any of the following:
    • Click Show properties to open the Properties pane for the layer.
    • Click Add to map to add the layer to the map as a new layer that can be configured.

      The Layers In View composite layer and its layers are read-only and are not editable. All layers draw with their default symbology. To edit, configure, or save an individual layer, add it to the map as a new layer item.

Configure catalog layers

After adding a catalog layer to a map or scene, you can set its properties and configure how its layers are displayed.

View catalog layers

You can view catalog layers in Map Viewer and configure how their layers are displayed on the map, such as turning layer visibility on and off and zooming to a layer.

Do the following to configure how the catalog layer is displayed on the map:

  1. Confirm that you are signed in and, if you want to save your changes, that you have privileges to create, update, and delete content.
  2. In Map Viewer, open the map containing the layer or add the layer directly.
  3. On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Layers Layers if the Layers pane is not open.
  4. In the Layers pane, do any of the following:
    • Change the visibility of the catalog layer in the map by pointing to the layer and turning the layer visibility toggle button on or off. Layers that are visible on the map display a Hide layer button Hide layer, while hidden layers display a Show layer button Show layer.
    • Click Options Options on the catalog layer and do any of the following:
      • Click Zoom to to zoom to the layer on the map.
      • Click Show properties to open the Properties pane for the layer.
      • Click Show table to open the layer table.
      • Click Rename to rename the layer.
      • Click Remove to remove the layer.

        This action cannot be undone.

      • Click Group to add the layer to a group.
    • Click Reposition Reposition and drag the catalog layer to a new location in the layers list.
    • Click Expand Expand to view the Footprints layer and the Layers In View. Click Collapse Collapse to collapse the catalog layer.

Set catalog layer properties

You may want to change the number of layers that can be displayed on the map when viewing a catalog layer. For example, if the catalog layer has 15 layers in the Layers In View composite layer, you can change the layer limit to view all 15 layers on the map at the same time. You can also change the order by which catalog items are displayed on the map, and you can change the visibility of the catalog layer, Footprints layer, and the Layers In View composite layer.

Do the following to set the catalog layer's properties:

  1. Confirm that you are signed in and, if you want to save your changes, that you have privileges to create, update, and delete content.
  2. In Map Viewer, open the map containing the layer or add the layer directly.
  3. On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Layers Layers if the Layers pane is not open.
  4. In the Layers pane, click the catalog layer.

    The Properties pane appears.

  5. In the Properties pane, do any of the following:
    • In the Layer limit section, under Max layers, type a value between 1 and 50 to specify how many layers are displayed on the map.
    • In the Display order section, under Order by, choose a field to determine the display order of layers on the map. By default, catalog items are drawn according to the Draw Order Weight values in the layer's attribute table.
    • In the Visibility section, do any of the following to set the visibility of the Catalog layer, Footprints layer, and the Layers In View composite layer:
      • Drag the handle on the slider to the maximum zoom level. Use the maximum zoom scale drop-down menu below the slider to choose the zoom level, for example, World or Country.
      • Click the drop-down menu below the slider, click Custom, and type the maximum zoom level.
      • Click the drop-down menu below the slider, and click Current map view to use the current extent of the map.

    The visibility settings configured for the catalog layer override the visibility settings configured for the Footprints layer and the Layers In View composite layer.