Configure map

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Default administrators and those with the correct privileges can choose which basemaps, configurable apps, and analysis layers your organization uses to create maps, scenes, and apps, and to perform analysis. You can also set the default basemap, extent, and units, and include a Bing Maps key if your organization wants to use Bing Maps.

  1. Verify that you are signed in as a default administrator or custom role with administrative privileges to manage the organization website.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Settings tab.
  3. Click Map on the left side of the page.
  4. Configure any of the following map settings:

Basemap gallery

Choose one of the following options to specify the maps you want Map Viewer, Scene Viewer, and apps in your organization to use as basemaps:


Basemaps must meet Scene Viewer tiling scheme requirements to display in the Scene Viewer basemap gallery.

  • Esri default vector basemaps—Choose Default from the drop-down menu and check the Use Esri vector basemaps in supported ArcGIS apps box.
  • Esri default raster basemaps—Choose Default from the drop-down menu and clear the Use Esri vector basemaps in supported ArcGIS apps box.
  • Basemaps from a custom basemap gallery group—To use only the basemaps in a basemap gallery group that you created, choose the group from the drop-down menu. To change how the basemaps are sorted in the gallery, select a field in the Sort order drop-down menu. To change how the basemaps are ordered, choose Ascending or Descending. If you change the sort field or order here, the items on the group page, as well as on embedded galleries or gallery apps, are also changed.
  • Basemaps from a custom basemap gallery in addition to Esri default raster or vector basemaps—If you choose a predefined basemap gallery group, you can click either button to share raster basemaps or vector basemaps with the group. You can also sort and reorder the group when you include the Esri basemaps in your group. If you change the sort field or order here, the items on the group page, embedded galleries, and gallery apps also change.

    To add more Esri default basemaps (for example, after a site upgrade), click one or both buttons again and the latest basemaps are shared with the group. To remove Esri default basemaps, open your basemap gallery group and remove the items you no longer want.

Map defaults

If you chose a custom basemap group for the Basemap gallery setting, choose a basemap from that group that you want opened when users create a map with Map Viewer or a scene with Scene Viewer. If you chose Default as the basemap gallery, the default Esri basemap will be displayed for new maps and scenes.


Scene Viewer only uses the specified default basemap if it is supported.

The default basemap opens at the default extent you set. To set the default extent to the extent of your currently selected default basemap, click Use map extent as default. To set a different extent, click Choose extent in the Default extent section. Choose from the following options:

  • To create an extent based on the default extent specified for the organization, click Organization's extent.
  • To navigate to a place or address, under Use location search, type keywords in the search box. Keywords can include addresses, street intersections, places, points of interest, and longitude and latitude coordinates. The extent centers on the place or address you specify.
  • To draw a shape representing the extent, click Drawing Tool and drag a box on the map. Make changes to the extent as needed by dragging any of the vertices of the extent box or clicking inside the box and dragging it to a new location.
  • To create an extent by specifying coordinate values (in decimal degrees) for the extent boundaries, click Coordinates and type the coordinates in the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right boxes.

Once you have set the extent, click Save.

Under Units, choose US Standard or Metric as the default units for the map scale bar, measure tool, directions, and analysis. US Standard sets the units to miles, feet, and inches; Metric sets the units to kilometers, meters, and centimeters. Members can set the units they see through their settings page.

Bing Maps

If your organization wants to use Bing Maps in maps, enter the Bing Maps key that Microsoft provided you.

If you enable this option, members of your organization see Bing as an option for adding layers from the web.

Check the box to allow your Bing key to be used in maps shared publicly by organization members (your Bing key is exposed to the public). This option only appears if your organization allows anonymous access to your site (in the Security section). If you disable anonymous access, the public can no longer see your maps with Bing Maps. To reenable public access of your maps with Bing Maps, check the option to allow anonymous access and check the option to allow your Bing key to be used in maps shared publicly.

If you have questions about using Bing Maps with ArcGIS Enterprise, contact your account manager or local Esri office.

Configurable apps

Choose a group that contains the app templates you want to use in the configurable apps gallery.

Choose Default to use the current Esri default configurable apps for your language. Alternatively, you can choose a different group from the group drop-down.

If you have selected a group other than the default, you can change how the apps are sorted in the gallery by selecting a field in the Sort order drop-down list. To change how the apps are ordered, choose either Ascending or Descending. If you change the sort field or order here, the items on the group page, as well as in apps, are also changed.

If you have selected a group other than the default, you can also include Esri default apps in the gallery by clicking Share the Esri default configurable apps with group. You can add other Esri public configurable apps not included in the default set (for example, retired apps) by sharing items with your group. To remove configurable apps you added to your group, open the group and remove the items you no longer want.

To add additional Esri default configurable apps (for example, after a site upgrade), click Share the Esri default configurable apps with group.


Each app template includes a downloadable .zip file containing its source code and a preview version you can display in a web browser. Download the .zip file and customize the template to deploy it on your web server. You can also add a customized template back into the portal as a configurable Web Mapping Application item, attaching your source code to the item, so that others can discover and use the template. If you then share the customized template with a group that you specify as the Configurable Apps group, other portal members will see your custom template as an option in the configurable apps gallery.

Web styles

Choose a group that contains styles for use in Scene Viewer. ArcGIS Pro users who create 3D web style items can share them with this group. Users can access these styles when they apply point styles in the Scene Viewer symbol gallery.

Analysis layers

By default, no specific set of analysis layers are configured for the portal. As the portal administrator, you can guide portal members to a specific group of layers you have decided are appropriate for use in standard feature, raster, and GeoAnalytics Tools in Map Viewer. To do this, choose a group for Analysis Layers. See Configure analysis layers for more information.

If you do not specify an Analysis Layers group, portal members can still perform analysis on any layer they have access to in the portal using the Browse Layers option. Portal members must use the Browse Layers option to access big data file shares in big data analysis tools.