Upgrade to a new version

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Software upgrades provide your organization with a new version of the software, with new features, improved functionality, and sometimes a different look and feel. An upgrade typically moves your software from one version to another (for example, from version10.9.0 to version 10.9.1). When performing an upgrade, the upgrade process will include other available updates such as patches that have become available between software releases.

Apply an upgrade

When a new version of ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes is released, the option to upgrade your software is available in ArcGIS Enterprise Manager. Before upgrading, learn about new features and identify any changes that may affect your organization's members.

Always make a backup of your organization before applying upgrades.

To upgrade to a new released version, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator.
  2. At the bottom of the navigation sidebar, click Updates.

    The Software updates page appears.

  3. The top of the page displays your organization's current software version and the last time it was updated. If a new version of the software is available, an Upgrade now button is available.
  4. Click Upgrade now to upgrade your organization to the latest software release.

    Before the upgrade begins, a dialog box appears where you can review the upgrade you selected. A list of cumulative updates to be applied as part of this upgrade is provided if applicable.

  5. Click Continue to begin the upgrade process.

    Detailed status updates are shown on the dialog box until the upgrade is complete.


If you encounter a failure while performing an upgrade, review tips for troubleshooting.

In this topic
  1. Apply an upgrade