Restore a backup

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You can restore an ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes deployment from a backup using ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API. All configuration data, settings, services, and infrastructure objects will be restored. Any services that reference data in registered data stores will be re-created.

The way in which a backup is restored depends on the type of failure and the accessibility of the deployment.

Restore a backup when the original deployment is accessible

If the deployment has experienced data corruption or data loss but remains accessible, you can restore a backup without undeploying and redeploying it. The original deployment will maintain a record of all backups, and you can restore from one of them using the Backups API available in ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API.

To restore a backup when the original deployment is accessible, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click System > Disaster Recovery > Backup and Restore.
  3. Click Backups to view the available backups.
  4. Click a backup and click Restore.

When restore operation begins, a job is created to manage the operation. The deployment will be restored to the point in time when the backup was created.

Restore a backup when the original deployment is not accessible

If the deployment has experienced a more severe failure and is no longer accessible, it must be undeployed and redeployed. If the reclaim policy for the storage class was set to Retain when the backup store was registered, you can bind a new backup store to the existing persistent volume (PV) to retrieve the backups.

Register a new backup store and bind it to the existing PV

First, ensure that the original PV contains labels that can be used as part of a label selector when registering a new backup store. Then, complete the following steps to register a new backup store and bind it to the existing PV:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click System > Disaster Recovery > Backup and Restore.
  3. Click Register.
  4. Set the following parameters to register the backup store using a label selector:
    1. Store Name—Provide the name of the new backup store.
    2. Credentials JSON—Leave this parameter blank.
    3. Root Directory—Leave this parameter blank.
    4. Storage Config JSON—Provide the storage configuration for the new backup store.

      The storage configuration must use label selectors to bind to an existing PV.

      For example, if the PV contains the "arcgis/purpose":"backups" label:

          "size": "16Gi", 
          "labels": { 

Set the status of the PV

After you undeploy ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes, there is a slight chance that the original PV's status will still be set as Released. To resolve this and ensure that all existing deployment backups are available to be restored, complete the following steps:

  1. Use kubectl to identify the PV that was used for the previous backup store.
    kubectl get pv
  2. Use kubectl to assign a label to the PV. This will be used to bind the PV to the new backup store pod.
    kubectl label pv <pv name> <key>=<value>

    For example, to use "arcgis/purpose":"backups" as the label selector:

    kubectl label pv <pv name> arcgis/purpose=backups

    The original PV's status is set as Released, which prevents new pods from binding to it.

  3. Patch the PV to ensure that it can be bound to the new backup store pod.
    kubectl patch pv <pv name> -p '{"spec":{"claimRef": null}}'

You can now follow the steps to register a new backup store using the existing PV.

The time it takes to restore a backup is determined by the amount of content in the backup.

Check the status of a restore operation

To check the status of an ongoing or recent restore operation, use the Get Status API available in ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API.

To access the Get Status API, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click System > Disaster Recovery > Backup and Restore.
  3. Click Get Status.

The API returns the current state of the restore operation. You can monitor the page during the restore operation to track its progress.


ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API is temporarily unavailable during a restore operation. When it becomes available, the Get Status API will continue to return the status of the restore operation.