Configure groups

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Default administrators and those with the correct privileges can choose which groups to feature on the Groups and Organization pages and choose which configurable apps to use to create group-based apps.

  1. Verify that you are signed in as a default administrator or custom role with administrative privileges to manage the organization website.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Settings tab.
  3. Click Groups on the left side of the page.
  4. Configure any of the following group settings:

Featured groups

Select the groups that will be displayed on the Featured Groups tab on the Groups page. Click Manage featured groups and select one or more groups from the list of all the groups owned by members of your organization.

Configurable apps

Choose a group that contains the app templates you want to show in the apps gallery when members create an app from a group page.

If you select a group other than the default, you can configure the following options:

  • Change how the apps are sorted in the gallery by selecting a Sort order field and choosing Ascending or Descending. If you change the sort field or order here, the items on the group page are also changed.
  • Include the current Esri default apps in the gallery with your group items by clicking Share the Esri default configurable apps with group. You can also add other Esri public configurable apps not included in the default set (for example, retired apps) by sharing items with your group. (To remove configurable apps, open the group and remove the items you no longer want to appear in the apps gallery.)
  • Add more Esri default configurable apps (for example, after a site upgrade) by clicking Share the Esri default configurable apps with group.


You can choose a group to use in the configurable apps gallery so that you can add customized configurable app templates to your portal. Each app template includes a downloadable .zip file containing its source code and a preview version that can be displayed in a web browser. You can download the .zip file and customize the template to deploy it on your own web server. You can also add a customized template back into the portal as a configurable Web Mapping Application item, attaching your source code to the item, so that others can discover and use the template. If you then share the customized template with a group that you specify as the Configurable Apps group, other portal members will see your custom template as an option in the configurable apps gallery.