Change geoprocessing service and service extension publishing privileges

ArcGIS 11.3 | |  Help archive

To provide greater security for your organization, only administrators can publish geoprocessing services and deploy service extensions (SOEs or SOIs). Publishers who attempt to publish a geoprocessing service will get an error message with error code 001862.

You can, however, allow publishers to publish geoprocessing services and deploy service extensions. To do so, complete the steps below.


It's recommended that production environments restrict publishing of geoprocessing services and service extensions to administrators.


When publishing geoprocessing services (web tools) to federated sites, the preferred method for controlling who can publish is by assigning members a custom role with the administrative privilege to publish web tools.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API and sign in with an account that has administrative privileges to the site.

    The Admin API is typically available through a URL such as<context>/admin.

  2. Click System > Properties > Update Properties.
  3. Enter the allowGPAndExtensionPublishingToPublishers property and set it equal to true.

    The syntax should be in the following format: {"allowGPAndExtensionPublishingToPublishers": true}.

  4. Click Update Properties.

Administrators and publishers can now publish geoprocessing services and deploy service extensions. To restrict publishing of these services back to administrators only, set the allowGPAndExtensionPublishingToPublishers property to false.