Configure Esri language content

ArcGIS 11.3 | |  Help archive

ArcGIS Enterprise includes ready-to-use content for your organization's members to use such as maps and apps, feature collection templates, raster function templates, and styles. This content is available in many languages. By default, organizations include only the English set of Esri-provided content. You can update the organization to include or omit content in additional languages as desired. When you or your organization's members search for content, results will be returned for those languages you've specified.


Member-added content is not impacted by this setting. Language preferences only apply to the Esri-provided content in the organization.

Add language content

Follow these steps to add language content:

  1. Sign in to the ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API Directory as an administrator.
  2. Click System > Content > Languages.

    This page displays the portal languages and specifies the ones that are currently configured for the organization.

  3. Click Add.
  4. Type the language that you want to add. For example, type language=fr to add French language content.

    You can input multiple languages using a comma-separated format; for example, typing language=fr,de,it adds French, German, and Italian language content.

  5. Click Add.

Remove language content

Follow these steps to remove language content:

  1. Sign in to the ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API Directory as an administrator.
  2. Click System > Content > Languages.

    This page displays the portal languages and specifies the ones that are currently configured with the organization.

  3. Click Remove.
  4. Type the language that you want to remove, for example, language=fr.

    You can input multiple languages using a comma-separated format, for example, language=fr,de,it.

  5. Click Remove.

The organization now displays Esri-provided content from only those languages you added in the ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API. The configured languages are preserved when upgrading the organization.