Configure system managed data stores

In ArcGIS Enterprise Manager, administrators can register system managed storage to support raster analytics in their organization, increase the volume size of stores, and update object store credentials

Add a raster store

To register a raster store, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator.
  2. Click the Data stores button in the sidebar.

    The data stores page appears.

  3. In the Raster stores section, click Add store.
  4. Select an existing data store to support raster analytics or enter a name for a new raster store.
  5. Select a storage service for the raster store.
    • Amazon S3
    • Azure Blob
    • Google Cloud Storage
    • Relational store
    1. If using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), provide the following information:
      • Bucket name—The name of the bucket created in Amazon S3.
      • Region—Choose the region where the bucket exists.

        To connect to a private S3 endpoint, choose Custom as the region. Type or paste the URL to access the private cloud in the Private URL field.

      • Folder (optional)—The name of an existing or nonexisting root directory in Amazon S3 that can be used for the object store. The root directory should not contain files created or used by an existing organization. If no value is specified, the default arcgis is used. If there is already a root directory named arcgis in the bucket, you must specify a new and unique root directory name.
      • Authentication type—Choose Access key or IAM role.
      • If using access key as the authentication type, provide the following information:
        • Access key—Paste or type the access key for the IAM user.
        • Secret key—Paste or type the secret key for the IAM user.
    2. If using Azure Blob, provide the following information:
      • Container name—The name of the container created in Azure.
      • Storage account—The name of the parent storage account the container exists under.
      • Storage domain—Choose the Azure storage domain where the Blob storage container exists.

        To connect to a custom Azure Blob endpoint, choose Other as the storage domain and provide the URL or DNS endpoint to access the storage location.

      • Folder (optional)—The name of an existing or nonexisting root directory in Azure Blob that can be used for the object store. The root directory should not contain files created or used by an existing organization. If no value is specified, the default arcgis is used. If there is already a root directory named arcgis in the bucket, you must specify a new and unique root directory name.
      • Authentication type—Choose Shared key or Microsoft Entra ID.
      • If you selected Shared key, paste or type the primary or secondary account key for the associated storage account.
      • If you selected Microsoft Entra ID, user-assigned is the default identity type. Provide the client ID.

        User-assigned identities must be assigned to the instances where the hosting and federated ArcGIS Server sites are running and have at least read-only access to the storage account container. If more than one user-assigned managed identity is assigned to an instance or storage container, you must specify a client ID.

    3. If using Google Cloud Storage, provide the following information:
      • Bucket name—The name of the bucket created in Google Cloud Storage.
      • Folder (optional)—The name of an existing or nonexisting root directory in Google Cloud Storage that can be used for the object store. The root directory should not contain files created or used by an existing organization. If no value is specified, the default arcgis is used. If there is already a root directory named arcgis in the bucket, you must specify a new and unique root directory name.
      • Access key—Paste or type the access key for the service account.
      • Secret key—Paste or type the secret key for the service account.
    4. If using a relational store, choose a database connection file.
  6. Click Add store.

    The raster store is registered and will appear in the Raster stores section.

Unregister a raster store

To unregister a raster store, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator.
  2. Click the Data stores button in the sidebar.

    The data stores page appears.

  3. Click the More options button next to the raster store you want to unregister.
  4. Click Unregister and click Unregister again to confirm.

Update object store credentials

To update credentials for object stores configured with a cloud service provider, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator.
  2. Click the Data stores button in the sidebar.

    The data stores page appears.

  3. Click the More options button for the object store and click Update credentials.
    1. If using Amazon S3, choose Access key or IAM role as the authentication type and provide the following information:
      • If you selected Access key, paste or type the access key and secret key for the IAM user.
    2. If using Azure Blob, choose Storage account key or Managed identity as the authentication type and provide the following information:
      • If you selected Storage account key, enter the storage account name and paste or type the storage account key.
      • If you selected Managed identity, enter the storage account name and select System-assigned or User-assigned as the identity type.
        • If you selected user-assigned identity, provide the client ID.
    3. If using Google Cloud Storage, paste or type the access key and the secret key for the service account.
  4. Click Update.

    The object store credentials have been updated.

Increase volume size

You can increase the volume size of object stores, relational stores, and spatiotemporal and index stores.


This option is not supported for cloud-native object stores.

To update the volume size, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator.
  2. Click the Data stores button in the sidebar.

    The data stores page appears.

  3. Click the More options button for the data store and click Increase volume size.
  4. Increase the volume size and click Update.

    If a failure occurs when updating the volume size, the Increase volume size window will contain information about that attempt. The Applying column lists the previously requested volume size. To perform this workflow again, the new value must be greater than the previously requested value.