Browse and search content

Use the Content page to access, organize, browse, search, and work with content on the website.

The Content page is organized by tabs that allow you to browse and work with your own content (My content), items you've marked as favorites (My favorites), content shared with you through groups (My groups), and content from your organization (My organization. Each tab allows you to browse and search for content in a focused way. The tabs available to you, as well as some of the information and options on the tabs, depend on whether you are signed in to the organization and your privileges.

Browse content

Click Content at the top of the website to browse items using the My content, My favorites, My groups, and My organization tabs.

  • You must have privileges to create content or own items to see the My content tab.

When browsing content using the Content page tabs, you can do any of the following to help you explore and find items:

  • View items in a table, as a list, or as a grid with large thumbnail images.

  • Sort items by properties such as title or date modified.

  • Limit the display to items that interest you using the filters on the side of the page. For example, on most of the Content page tabs, you can filter by item type, date modified, date created, and tags. Depending on your privileges and organization settings, you may have additional filters, such as Categories, Collaboration, and Status.


    The Status filter allows you to find items that have been marked as authoritative or deprecated in your organization.

    Use the Location filter to find items in your organization using any of the following location types:

    • Places such as cities, counties, countries, and administrative boundaries
    • Regions
    • Longitude and latitude coordinates

Search content

To search for specific items, you can type English search keywords in a content search box. Content search box options include the following:

  • A focused search box on any of the tabs on the Content page, which appears immediately below the tab bar on the Content page.

    Only content relevant to that tab is displayed. For example, you can search only your favorite items using the focused search box on the My favorites tab.

    The search box under the Content banner searches the active content tab.

  • The website search at the top of the site.

    The search box at the top of the website searches the entire site.

    Use the website search to perform a broader search for items in your organization, and, if your organization is configured to allow searching outside the organization, to find items shared by other organizations. This is the only content search option available when you are not signed in.


The Search using related terms item setting is enabled by default. Search results will include all items that contain the search term in the title or tags and any items that contain tags with related terms. For more information, see Configure items.

Search results appear in a list. You can change the way the results are displayed, and sort the items as needed. If you don't see the results you expect, do any of the following to narrow or broaden your search results:

  • Try an advanced keyword search to further refine your results.
  • Use the filters on the side of the results page to limit the results to items that interest you. For example, on most of the Content page tabs, you can filter by item type, date modified, date created, and tags. Depending on your privileges and organization settings, you may have additional filters, such as Categories, Collaboration, and Status.

    Use the Location filter with one of the following types of location information:

    • Places such as cities, counties, countries, and administrative boundaries
    • Regions
    • Longitude and latitude coordinates

Work with content

When you discover items by browsing and searching the Content page and tabs or using the website search at the top of the site, you can view and access information about the items and work with them in various ways. For example, you can see an item's thumbnail, read a short summary about the item, or open its item page to see more details, quickly see who owns the item and how many times it's been viewed, and open the item.

Do any of the following to work with items from the Content page:

  • Click the Options button Options to open the item in an app. For example, you could open a feature layer in Scene Viewer or Map Viewer.
  • To see details about an item, do one of the following:
    • Click the Preview option associated with the item to open a pane containing a subset of information about the item.
    • Click the item title to open the full item page.
    • Click the Options button Options associated with the item and click View details.
  • If your organization administrator configured categories, you can categorize items.
  • To preview the layers and tables in a feature layer, click the Preview option associated with the feature layer. Click each sublayer in the item preview pane to access more information about them.
  • If you have privileges to reassign ownership or are an organization administrator, you can assign an item to a different owner.
  • Move items that you own to a different folder. Administrators can move items that are owned by other users.
  • To filter content by folder name on the My content tab, type the name of the folder in the search box above your folders. Click the x to clear the filter.
  • To share an item, select the item on the My content tab and click Share. Your privileges in the organization determine whether you are allowed to share the item and with whom you can share it.

To select an item, check the box next to the item name.