Visualize weather in scenes

ArcGIS 11.3 | |  Help archive

To enhance the visualizations in your scenes, you can add weather effects, such as snow, rain, or fog, using the Weather tool in Daylight / Weather Daylight/Weather. The weather settings are stored in slides so you can share with others.


Click the Sunny button Sunny to set the weather to sunny in your scene. You can use the Cloud cover slider to change the density of the thin layer of clouds.


Click the Cloudy button Cloudy to add clouds in your scene. You can use the Cloud cover slider to adjust the cloudiness.


Click the Rainy button Rainy to place rain in your scene.

  • Use the Cloud cover slider to adjust the cloudiness.
  • Use the Precipitation slider to change the amount of rainfall.


Click the Snowy button Snowy to make it snow in your scene.

  • Use the Cloud cover slider to adjust the cloudiness.
  • Use the Precipitation slider to change the amount of snowfall.
  • Check the Snow cover checkbox to add a layer of snow to the surfaces in the scene. The snow layer doesn't display on basemaps or draped layers.


Click the Foggy button Foggy to add fog in your scene. You can use the Fog density slider to adjust the fogginess.

The Weather tool is only available when the scene atmosphere is enabled. Ensure that you disable the background color in Properties to use the tool.

In this topic
  1. Sun
  2. Clouds
  3. Rain
  4. Snow
  5. Fog