Configure automatic registration of organization-specific accounts

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You can configure your ArcGIS Enterprise organization to register ArcGIS organizational accounts automatically for organization-specific users the first time they access the organization, or you can block automatic account registration. You must set a default role and user type for new accounts from the portal website before you enable automatic account creation.

If automatic account creation is turned off and anonymous access is enabled, organization-specific users can still access the portal, and they have the same privileges as a user who does not have an ArcGIS organizational account. If you want them to have more privileges, you must add them as members to your portal.

By default, new ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes organizations do not allow automatic account registration.


Automatically adding organization-specific accounts to your portal can result in a rapid increase of ArcGIS organizational accounts in your portal. Refer to the organization page of the portal website to monitor the maximum number of members allowed in your portal. Be aware that when automatic registration is enabled, organization-specific accounts will be added as members of your organization, not only when they browse to your portal website, but also when they look at embedded web maps from your portal, or look at a web map or web app from a link.

Enable automatic account creation

Registration behavior is controlled in ArcGIS Enterprise Manager. You must set a default user type in the portal to enable automatic account creation.


For information on adding organization-specific accounts manually, see Add members to your portal.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator.
  2. Click Security > Identity Store.
  3. Before the option to enable automatic account creation can appear, you must create and save a Windows Active Directory or LDAP identity store configuration.

    For information on configuring your identity store, see Use LDAP or Windows Active Directory for users and groups.

  4. Once you have created and saved a Windows Active Directory or LDAP identity store configuration, the Enable automatic account creation toggle button becomes available, and you can choose to enable or disable automatic account creation. Security page identity store