Create a backup

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After registering a staging location and a backup store, you can create backups using ArcGIS Enterprise Manager. It is recommended that you create backups during downtime to ensure that the additional requests for resources do not cause issues for users accessing the deployment.

Create a backup using ArcGIS Enterprise Manager

To create a backup, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click the Backups button.
  3. On the backups page, click Create new and provide the following information:
    1. Set a backup name—The name of the backup.
    2. Choose a backup store—The backup store where the backup will be stored.
    3. Set an encryption passphrase and Confirm encryption passphrase—The passphrase that is used to encrypt the backup.

      The backup cannot be restored without the passphrase.

    4. Show encryption passphrase—The passphrase in plain text for verification.
    5. Automatically delete backups—The backup retention policy. This is enabled by default with a 14-day retention period. You can select the date the backup expires or the number of days, weeks, or months the backup is retained, or disable the option and permanently retain the backup.
  4. Click Create.

When the backup operation begins, a job and an additional pod start and coordinate the backup process. The amount of time it takes to create the backup is based on the number of items in the deployment. By default, backup operations that take longer than two hours to complete are automatically canceled. If a deployment contains a large amount of data and takes longer than two hours to back up, you can change the backup operation's time-out value in the Disaster Recovery settings.

Change the time-out value

To change the time-out value, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click System > Disaster Recovery > Settings.
  3. Click Update Settings.
  4. Update the JSON in the Settings text box to include the timeoutInMinutes property.
        "timeoutInMinutes": 10800, 
        "stagingVolumeConfig": { 
            "storageClass": "staging", 
            "size": "64Gi"		 

Check the status of a backup

After clicking Create in the Create new window, the backup status page will automatically appears. If you leave the page and want to recheck the status of an ongoing backup process, do the following:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click the Backups button.
  3. On the backups page, locate the ongoing backup process and click the Completed link.

Schedule backups

To minimize data loss in the event of a failure, schedule backups at regular intervals. Once a schedule is configured, backups are created automatically at a fixed time in the future, either once or on a recurring basis. You can restore any of the backups to recover the organization to the point in time when the backup was created. The backup schedule should be determined by the recovery point objective (RPO) of your organization.

To schedule backups, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Manager as an administrator of your organization.
  2. Click the Backups button.
  3. On the backups page, click Scheduled backups.
  4. Click New schedule and provide the following information:
    1. Set a backup name—The prefix that is used to name the backup. The date and time the backup is created is added to the name as a suffix. For example, if the prefix is enterprise-backup, the date and time the backup is created is appended to it to form the backup name of enterprise-backup-2021-09-02-18-08-17.
    2. Choose a backup store—The backup store where the backup will be stored.
    3. Set an encryption passphrase and Confirm encryption passphrase—The passphrase that is used to encrypt the backup.

      The backup cannot be restored without the passphrase.

    4. Show encryption passphrase—The passphrase in plain text for verification.
    5. Beginning date and Time—The date and time the backup will occur.
    6. Make recurring—Set the backup process to recur.
    7. Repeat every—How often backups are created. Each backup process starts from the specified Beginning date and Time value.
      • Hour—Create a backup based on the specified hour. For example, create a backup every hour.
      • Day—Create a backup based on the specified day. For example, create a backup every day at 12:00 a.m..
      • Week—Create a backup based on the specified day of the week. For example, create a backup at 12:00 a.m. on Saturday.
    8. End—When the schedule ends. You can make it an indefinite schedule that does not have an end date or count, a schedule that ends on a specific date, or a schedule that ends after a certain number of backups are created.
    9. Automatically delete backup—The backup retention policy. This is enabled by default with a 14-day retention period. You can select the date the backup expires or the number of days, weeks, or months the backup is retained, or disable the option and permanently retain the backup.
  5. Click Create.