The workflows available in ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes are described below and links to information about specific functionality are provided. For a list of issues that were addressed at this release, see Release notes.
Product highlights
- Four new field data types are available for numeric and temporal data in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3:
- Big integer
- Date only
- Time only
- Timestamp offset
- ArcGIS Living Atlas content is now available in ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes. To access ArcGIS Living Atlas content, you must first complete a package update to deploy the initial content from the organization's Living Atlas page. You can then update ArcGIS Living Atlas content in your organization when new items are made available by Esri.
Organization administration
- Block members' access to some of the applications that are included with user types and that cannot be controlled through licenses, settings, or privileges.
- Bulk delete members and transfer or delete their content.
- Configure a custom role that allows members to create and manage administrative reports for their organization.
- Share custom print layout templates with a group and set it as the organization's custom layout template group to make the templates available for printing in Map Viewer.
- Enable licensed capabilities for the organization from ArcGIS Enterprise Manager.
- Federate an ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server site from the organization.
- Increase the volume size of object stores, relational stores, and spatiotemporal and index stores from ArcGIS Enterprise Manager.
Mapping and visualization
- Add related record elements for feature-to-feature relationship classes when configuring forms for attribute editing. Adding related records to the form is supported for hosted feature layers, hosted feature layer views, and ArcGIS Server feature layers.
- Save group layers as items and reuse them across web maps. Many group layer settings—such as styling and visibility—will also be saved. Grouping layers into a single item allows you to organize, configure, and access content that you frequently use together.
- Save media layers as items, preserving layer properties such as georeferencing information, styling, and visibility settings. You can also add existing media layer items to a map.
- Set the time zone of your map to display temporal data using the device time zone, a specific time zone, or the data's time zone. By default, the map displays the date and time based on the time zone of the device used to view the map.
- Browse for and add custom web styles when styling layers. You can also filter symbols using a keyword search.
- When viewing pop-ups, features from multiple layers are now displayed in the order they are displayed in the map. Previously, features were displayed in the order they were returned from the server.
- Box plots are now available in Map Viewer. Box plots allow you to visualize and compare the distribution and central tendency of numeric values.
- Creating charts is now supported for feature layers sourced from a Map Service. For a full list of supported data, see Configure charts.
- Select custom colors and color ramps using RGB, HSV, or hexadecimal values when adding charts to pop-ups.
- Search for layers by their titles in the Layers pane to find layers that have been added to the map.
- Select fields and expressions from the new Fields List and apply custom colors when adding text to pop-ups.
- Set the scale threshold when working with aggregated data. This allows you to choose the scale at which features are displayed individually instead of in clusters or bins.
- There are five new color ramps available in Map Viewer when working with styles that use a color ramp (such as Heat Map), including Plasma, Cividis, Viridis, Magma, and Inferno. These color ramps provide support for color vision deficiencies and enhanced data visualization.
- Several enhancements have been made to sketch layers:
- Duplicate sketch features when working with sketch layers.
- Enable tooltips to show feature dimensions while drawing sketch features.
- Select sketch features in the Properties pane in addition to using the Select by rectangle and Select by lasso tools.
- When styling stamps, lines, polygons, rectangles and circles, and text, you can choose symbols from the Recent symbols list.
- Add titles and pop-ups to multiple sketch features at a time.
- Copy sketch features to a new sketch layer.
- Explore a new, modern, and simplified phone experience for Scene Viewer.
- Emphasize scene contents and slides with minimal UI using presentation mode.
- Enhance pop-ups in 3D with Arcade expressions and related records.
- Make edits more precise and concise by using constraints.
- New 3D Basemaps are added and moved out of beta.
- Custom web tools are now available in Map Viewer. Custom web tools are geoprocessing workflows—such as models, scripts, or notebooks—that are published and hosted in ArcGIS Enterprise as Tool or Geoprocessing Service items and are accessed from the Map Viewer Analysis pane.
- Map services are now supported as feature inputs for analysis. For a complete list of supported inputs, see Perform analysis (Map Viewer).
- Several tools now have a Draw input features button that can be used to interactively create an input layer. Drawing input features creates a sketch layer that can be saved in the web map.
- Analysis tools now support BigInteger field types. Some analysis tools also support DateOnly and TimeOnly field types.
- Find Point Clusters now creates charts as outputs for certain Clustering method options. A distribution of membership probability chart is created as an output for Self-adjusting (HDBSCAN) and a reachability plot is created as an output for Multi-scale (OPTICS). Find Point Clusters also includes three new parameters—Time Field, Search Time Interval, and Search Time Unit—that allow you to use time, along with distance, to identify clusters when the Clustering Method is Defined distance (DBSCAN) or Multi-scale (OPTICS).
- Geodesic Viewshed has two new viewshed settings parameters, Vertical error and Refractivity coefficient, and four new observer parameters, Horizontal start angle, Horizontal end angle, Vertical upper angle, and Vertical lower angle.
- Surface Parameters has a new parameter, Input analysis mask raster or features, which limits analysis to specific locations of interest within the input surface raster.
- The Zonal Statistics raster function (available in Map Viewer Classic) has four new options for the Statistics Type parameter: Majority count, Majority percentage, Minority count, and Minority percentage.
- The following analysis tools are now available in Map Viewer:
- Calculate Composite Index combines multiple numeric variables to create a single index variable, also known as a composite indicator.
- Derive Stream as Line generates stream line features from an input surface raster with no prior sink or depression filling required. Specific locations for sinks or depressions can be provided. An optional accumulation threshold can be specified.
- Derive Stream as Raster generates a stream raster from an input surface raster with no prior sink or depression filling required. Specific locations for sinks or depressions can be provided. An optional accumulation threshold can be specified.
- Detect Change Using Deep Learning uses a deep learning model to detect change between two raster layers.
- Geocode Location from Table converts addresses from a table into coordinates.
- Locate Regions identifies the best regions in the input raster that meet specified size requirements and spatial constraints.
- Multidimensional Principal Components transforms the multidimensional imagery layers into a reduced number of components that account for the variance of the data so that spatial and temporal patterns can be readily identified.
- Nibble replaces the cells of a raster corresponding to a mask with the values of the nearest neighbors.
- Stream Link assigns unique values to sections of a raster linear network between intersections.
- The following raster functions are now available in Map Viewer Classic:
- Gradient function calculates the gradient along the X, Y, XY, or a given dimension.
- Region Pixel Count function identifies connected regions with the same pixel value and returns an image layer containing values for the number of pixels in the regions.
Data management
- A new editor for metadata is available that improves the experience for editing and viewing metadata. The new editor is the default option when editing metadata, but item owners still have the option to use the metadata editor classic at this release.
- When content is shared with collaboration participants, the item and sublayer metadata are also shared.
- New authentication methods are available when you add a cloud storage data store to access files in Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 and Azure Blob storage containers.
- Edit metadata for individual sublayers in a hosted feature layer.
- As the owner of a database data store item and its bulk published layers, you can set up a schedule to synchronize bulk published layers with their source datasets. This allows you to regularly refresh the layers with schema, privilege, and name changes in the source data at a time that is most convenient for your organization.
- Enable service object extensions (SOEs) and service object interceptors (SOIs) on services from the item details page of map image layers.