Disable nonadministrative API Directories

ArcGIS 11.4 | |  Help archive

By default, the ArcGIS Portal Directory /<context>/sharing/rest and the ArcGIS REST Services Directory /<context>/rest/services are enabled and provide a browsable HTML-based representation of your portal items, services, web maps, groups, and content. They also contain all of the actions you can perform on your portal items and services through REST. These directories can be a useful development tool; however, it is recommended that you disable these directories for production systems when you don't want users browsing your list of items, finding your services in a web search, or making requests to your portal through HTML forms.

This is not a privacy setting. Disabling the Portal Directory does not prevent access to or the ability to discover items, services, web maps, groups, content, and their operations; it only removes the HTML pages for viewing the items and web maps and the list of supported operations for each of these. All items and web maps are still fully accessible in JSON format (f=json). Security restrictions on the items and web maps are still applicable.

To disable these directories, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator Directory and sign in as an administrator of your organization. The URL is formatted https://example.organization.com/<context>/admin.
  2. Click Security > Configuration > Update Configuration.
  3. On the Update Configuration page, set the disableServicesDirectory property to true, for example, "disableServicesDirectory": true.
  4. Click Update Configuration.