Apply a time filter

ArcGIS 11.4 | |  Help archive

When there are time-configured layers in a scene, you can use the Time slider tool Time slider to move the time slider and see how the data changes over time. Using the time slider, you can control the animation of the data with buttons to play, pause, and go to the previous and next time periods. When you are signed in to Scene Viewer, you can configure time for a layer in a scene.

You can also use the time slider to visualize layers that are set to be visible for only a specific time period.

Use the time slider

To use the time slider, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Settings button Settings on the time slider.
  2. Turn on the Apply time filter toggle button.

    You can adjust the time filter settings.

  3. Click Play Play to begin animating the scene.

    The date dynamically updates as the slider moves to display the selected time period.

  4. Click Pause Pause to pause the animation.
  5. Click Previous Previous to go back to the previous data interval.
  6. Click Next Next to advance to the next data interval.
  7. Optionally, turn off the Apply time filter toggle button to turn off time filtering in the scene.
  8. Optionally, click Time Time or any other Scene Viewer tool to close the time slider.

Adjust the time filter settings

To adjust the time filter settings, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Settings button Settings on the time slider.
  2. Turn on the Apply time filter toggle button.
  3. Click Start-end points and do any of the following to specify the time period for the animation:
    1. Under Time slider mode, click the drop-down menu and choose one of the following options:
      • Show data within interval—Show data that is within the current time interval.
      • Show data progressively—Progressively show data that is within the start and end time.
      • Show data at a time instant—Show data that falls on a single instant in time.
    2. Set the Start date and Start time values to define the starting point of the time animation.
    3. Set the End date and End time values to define the end point of the time animation.
  4. Click Time interval and do either of the following to specify how much data to display as time passes:
    1. Choose Length of one interval to specify the count and units for each time interval.
    2. Choose Total time divided into equal steps to specify the number of intervals into which to divide the total time.