Show tables (Map Viewer)

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You can display an interactive table at the bottom of a map to see information about features or records in a layer. Seeing a tabular view of the data can be a quick way to analyze information and start making decisions. You can sort and filter the attribute data and hide fields to focus on specific feature data.

You can also access information about each field in the table to understand what the data represents, and get more information about the layer by viewing related data tables, photos, or other file attachments. If you have privileges to edit the layer, you can edit or delete attribute values and attach additional related photos and files. See Edit tables for more information.

Show a table

Showing tables in Map Viewer can be a useful way to see the information associated with the features in a map. Once you determine what type of data is stored with the features, you can set up a more focused display of the layer by applying filters if the layer contains data or features that aren't important to your audience.

Show a feature layer's table

Follow these steps to show a table for a feature layer in Map Viewer:

  1. In Map Viewer, open the map containing the layer or add the layer directly.
  2. In the Layers pane, click Options Options next to the layer and click Show table.

    The layer's table opens at the bottom of the map.

    Records from related tables are not included in the display.

  3. Click the up arrows in the table header to show more rows, or click the down arrows to show fewer rows.
  4. Click Close Close in the table header to close the table.

Show a table layer

When you add a table layer to Map Viewer, the table opens automatically.

  1. In Map Viewer, open the map containing the layer or add the layer directly.

    The table opens at the bottom of the map.

    Records from related tables are not included.

  2. Click the up arrows in the table header to show more rows, or click the down arrows to show fewer rows.
  3. Click Close Close in the table header to close the table. To reopen the table, click Options Options next to the layer and click Show table.

Explore the data

You can view information about a field, such as the data type and description, and see statistics about the contents of the field. Once you know what the data in each field represents, sort the data and fields to focus on the data you're interested in.

For feature layer tables, you can also select rows in the table and zoom to the location of the extent of all the selected features on the map.

  1. Open the table and view information about the fields by doing one of the following:
    • Select the field (column), click Options Options, and click Information.
    • Click Tools Tools in the table header and click Information Information next to the field. To return to the list of fields, click the back arrow. Click Done to close the pop-up window.

    The field name, data type, alias, field description, value description, and statistics appear in a separate pop-up window. The information available for each field depends on values the layer owner has set, and the statistics vary depending on the field's data type.

  2. Optionally, search for a specific field.
    1. Click Tools Tools in the table header and type a field name in the search box, or click Sort fields Sort fields to change the order in which the fields appear in this window.

      If you type a field name, the list of fields changes as you type.

    2. Check a field or uncheck it to hide it from the table, or you can view the field information.
  3. Do one of the following to sort the records in each field to make the data easier to view:
    • Click the up or down arrow for the field to sort values in ascending or descending order, respectively.
    • Select the field, click Options Options, and click either Sort ascending or Sort descending.
    • Click a field name and drag it to a new place in the table to change the order of the fields.

    This does not change the order of the fields stored in the table—only your view of the fields while in the map.

  4. To hide fields, do one of the following:
    • Select the field, click Options Options, and click Hide field to hide one field.
    • Click Tools Tools in the table header and uncheck the multiple fields that you want to hide. Click Done to close the pop-up window.
  5. Optionally, click Tools Tools in the table header and check the fields that you want to show (unhide) in the table. Click Done to close the pop-up window.
  6. To select rows in the table, check the check box at the start of each row.
  7. To zoom the map to the extent of the selected features (rows), click Zoom to selection Zoom to selection.

    The map recenters to include all the selected features.

  8. Click Clear selection Clear selection on the table to uncheck all the selected rows.

View related records

Some layers you add to Map Viewer may contain preestablished relationships to other tables or layers through a common field. For example, a layer showing buildings may have a preestablished relationship to a table with information about each building's tenants. If your layers have relationships, you can view attributes from the related records in the table.

You can create data relationships within geodatabases in ArcGIS Pro and publish the data to ArcGIS Server. Some of the analysis tools, such as Summarize Within, create relationships for you if you choose a field to group statistics. You cannot create relationships from tables in Map Viewer.


Map Viewer supports one-to-one and one-to-many relationships. To view related records in a table, relationships must be defined using a relationship class and the tables or layers that contain the related data must be added to the map.

To view related records in a table, do the following:

  1. In Map Viewer, open the map containing the layer or add the layer directly.
  2. In the Layers or Tables pane, click Options Options next to the layer and click Show table.

    The layer's table opens at the bottom of the map.

  3. Find the feature or record for which you want to view related records. Optionally, select rows in the table by checking the check box at the start of each row and click Show selected Show selected.

    If no rows are selected, related records will be shown for all rows in the table. If rows are selected, related records will only be shown for the selected rows.


    Columns from related tables appear in the attribute table. You may need to scroll to the right to see the column you need for the next step.

  4. Click Records in the table to open the related records associated with the feature or record.

    The value in parentheses indicates the number of related records associated with the feature or record.

    The table containing related records opens next to the attribute table.

  5. Do any of the following to browse the related records:
    • Click Menu Menu to change the field in the original table.
    • Click Menu Menu next to the field name in the related table and do any of the following:
      • Click Sort ascending or Sort descending to sort the related records.
      • Click Information to view more details about the field.
      • Click Hide field to hide the field from the related table.
      • Click Calculate field to calculate values for a related record field.

        The option to calculate field values is only available if you are the layer owner or organization administrator.

    • Select rows in the related table by checking the check box at the start of each row.
    • Turn on the Show all tables toggle button to view all tables associated with the feature or record.
    • Click Exit related records Exit related records to navigate back to the original table.