Configure gallery

This ArcGIS 11.2 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Members of the default administrator role or members of custom roles with the appropriate administrative privileges can choose what content to highlight in the gallery. You can show content shared with a group that you specify, or show all items in the organization.

  1. Verify that you are signed in as a default administrator or member of a custom role with administrative privileges to manage the portal website.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Settings tab.
  3. Click Gallery on the left side of the page.
  4. For Show in gallery, choose one of the following:
    • List all organization items—If you choose this option, all items in your organization are shown in the gallery. By default, the gallery page shows a selection of 60 of your organization's items. All items in your organization are accessible through the search on the gallery page.
    • Featured Maps and Apps—If you choose this option, only the items shared to Featured Maps and Apps will be shown in the gallery. You can choose to sort the items by Title, Owner, Views, Date, or Relevance in the drop-down list next to Sorted by. To change how the items are ordered, check or uncheck the Ascending check box.
    • A group—You can choose to showcase the contents of a specific group.

      If you choose a group that has curated featured content, the gallery displays the group's featured items in the same order they appear on the Overview tab of the group page.

      If you choose a group that does not have curated featured content, the gallery displays all content in the group and you can change how the items are sorted. To change sort options, select an option in the Sort order drop-down-list, and to change how the items are ordered, choose Ascending or Descending. If you change the sort field or order, the items on the group page, as well as on embedded galleries or gallery apps, are also changed.


      If you want public users to access the content in your gallery, ensure that the group is configured to allow everyone to view it and that anonymous access is enabled for the organization.

    The items that appear in the gallery also depend on how the item is shared.