Configure raster analytics

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Raster analytics is a flexible raster processing, storage, and sharing system that employs distributed computing and storage technology. Use raster analytics to apply raster analysis tools and raster functions offered in ArcGIS, build custom functions and tools, or combine multiple tools and functions into raster processing chains to run your custom algorithms on large collections of raster data. Source data and processed results are stored, published, and shared across your enterprise according to your needs and priorities.

This extensive capability can be further expanded by leveraging cloud computing capabilities and resources. The net result is that image processing and analysis jobs that used to take days or weeks can now be done in minutes or hours, and jobs that were too large or extensive can now be handled.

To configure raster analytics, you must have an ArcGIS Raster Analytics on Kubernetes license. Additionally, verify that your administrator has allocated sufficient resource quota and worker nodes to support this premium capability.

Configure raster analytics

Raster analytics provides built-in tools and functions for preprocessing, orthorectification and mosaicking, remote sensing analysis, and an extensive range of math and trigonometry operators. Your custom functions can extend the organization's analytical capabilities even further.

Raster analytics is also designed to streamline and simplify collaboration and sharing. Users across your organization can contribute data, processing models, and expertise to your imagery project and share results with individuals, departments, and organizations within your enterprise.

The following configuration steps may require changes to the way you've deployed ArcGIS in your organization; review them carefully before proceeding. To enable raster analysis, add supporting raster stores and configure the premium capability by adding the RasterAnalytics enterprise function.

Add raster stores

You must add two raster stores to support raster analytics: one cloud store and one relational store.

  1. In ArcGIS Enterprise Manager, click the Data stores button in the sidebar.

    The data stores page appears.

  2. In the Raster stores section, click Add store to add the first raster data store.

    If you have not already added stores, this section will be empty.

  3. Enter a name for the raster store.
  4. Select Storage service. Select one of the following options:
    • Amazon S3
    • Azure Blob
    • Google Cloud Storage
  5. For specifications for each cloud storage service, see steps to add a raster store.
  6. When finished, click Add store.

    The raster store is registered and will appear in the Raster stores section. The raster store will contain the imagery that is added to the organization and the results of any raster analysis tools.

  7. From the Data stores page, click Add store to add the second store; a relational store.
  8. Enter a name for the relational store.
  9. Select Storage service and choose a relational store.
  10. Click Choose File to add your database connection file.

    The relational database will store the mosaic datasets for hosting imagery layers.

  11. Click Add store.

The raster store is registered and will appear in the Raster stores section.

Add an enterprise function

The final step to configure raster analytics is to add the RasterAnalytics enterprise function.

  1. Browse to the ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator API and sign in as a member with an administrator role.
  2. Click System.
  3. Click Enterprise Functions.
  4. In the Supported Operations section, click Add.
  5. For Enterprise Function, select RasterAnalytics.
  6. Click Add.

    Once added, RasterAnalytics will appear as one of the enterprise functions.


    By enabling RasterAnalytics enterprise function, the following system services will be automatically started:

    • RasterAnalysisTools
    • RasterProcessing
    • RasterProcessingGPU
    • RasterRendering


    If the function fails to add, repeat the above steps to ensure that the raster data store has been added, the raster analytics license is valid and available, and the system services have been started.

Raster analytics is now configured. You can begin to use raster analysis tools and host imagery in your organization.