Configure ArcGIS Living Atlas content

ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World content is a collection of authoritative, ready-to-use, global geographic content available from ArcGIS Online. The content available through ArcGIS Enterprise includes valuable maps, data layers, tools, services, and apps for geographic analysis provided by Esri.

When you make ArcGIS Living Atlas content available to members who have access to organizational content, you provide them with ready-made content that they can use alone or in combination with their own content to create maps, scenes, and apps and perform analysis in Map Viewer or ArcGIS Insights.


The portal must have access to the internet to use ArcGIS Living Atlas content from ArcGIS Online. If the portal cannot access the internet, disable access to this content.

ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes does not come preconfigured with ArcGIS Living Atlas content. To access ArcGIS Living Atlas content, you must complete a package update to deploy the initial content package. You can then update ArcGIS Living Atlas content as new items become available. See ArcGIS Living Atlas content life cycles and updates for information on how this determines the information you see for ArcGIS Living Atlas items in the portal.

Each version of ArcGIS Enterprise includes a fixed set of ArcGIS Living Atlas items; however, you can update ArcGIS Living Atlas content as new items become available. See ArcGIS Living Atlas content life cycles and updates for information on how this determines the information you see for ArcGIS Living Atlas items in the portal.

You can download a subset of ArcGIS Living Atlas content (boundary and demographic content) from My Esri and publish it to the portal as hosted feature layers if the portal cannot access content over the internet. See Configure boundary layers for more information.

Types of content available

The ArcGIS Living Atlas content you access from an ArcGIS Enterprise portal is a subset of the full set of ArcGIS Living Atlas content available in ArcGIS Online. All of the ArcGIS Living Atlas content available from an ArcGIS Enterprise portal is created or managed by Esri to help ensure this content remains accessible. If the portal can connect to the internet, the following three levels of Esri ArcGIS Living Atlas content are available from ArcGIS Online:

  • Content that does not require you to sign in to an ArcGIS Online account

    This content is available by default in ArcGIS Enterprise portals.

  • Subscriber content

    Subscriber content is the collection of ready-to-use map layers, analytic tools, and services published by Esri that requires an ArcGIS Online organizational subscription account to access. This includes layers from Esri such as Landsat 8 imagery, NAIP imagery, landscape analysis layers, and historical maps. Subscriber content is provided as part of your organizational subscription and does not consume any credits.

  • Premium content

    Premium content is a type of subscriber content that requires an ArcGIS Online organizational subscription account to access and consumes credits. Access and credit information is listed in the description details for each item.

    Premium content provides organization members with access to ready-to-use content such as demographic and lifestyle maps as well as tools for geocoding, geoenrichment, network analysis, elevation analysis, and spatial analysis.


Do not delete any ArcGIS Living Atlas items or groups from the portal or change sharing or membership configurations on these groups. Also, do not change ownership of content from the esri_livingatlas user.

Deploy ArcGIS Living Atlas content

ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes does not come preconfigured with ArcGIS Living Atlas content. You must first complete an ArcGIS Living Atlas package update to deploy the initial content package before you can allow your users access to ArcGIS Living Atlas content, including subscriber and premium content. After you deploy the initial content, you can update ArcGIS Living Atlas content in your organization as new items become available.

Follow these steps to deploy ArcGIS Living Atlas content:

  1. Sign in to the portal as a member of the default Administrator role or a custom administrator role with privileges to manage the portal's website settings.
  2. Open Organization > Settings > Living Atlas.
  3. Under Content version, you will see the latest ArcGIS Living Atlas content version and its release date.
  4. Complete the ArcGIS Living Atlas package update in one of two ways:
    • Click Schedule update and specify the date and time you want package update to occur automatically.

    • Click Update now to complete the package update immediately.

Allow access to ArcGIS Living Atlas content

By default, members of the portal organization can access content from ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World that is available without having to sign in with an ArcGIS Online organizational account; however, the portal must have access to the internet to use this content. These items are shared to a group named ArcGIS Living Atlas, which is automatically accessible to the portal organization and is owned by a user named esri_livingatlas. This content appears on the Living Atlas tab of the Content page and is available to organization members in Map Viewer, Map Viewer Classic, and Scene Viewer.


Do not delete any ArcGIS Living Atlas items or groups from the portal or change sharing or membership configurations on these groups. Also, do not change ownership of content from the esri_livingatlas user.

Follow these steps to allow the portal to access ArcGIS Living Atlas content that does not require an ArcGIS Online organizational account:

  1. Sign in to the portal as a member of the default Administrator role or a custom administrator role with privileges to manage the portal's website settings.
  2. Open Organization > Settings > Living Atlas.
  3. Under Configure Living Atlas, enable Access Living Atlas content in your portal.

    Access to this content requires an internet connection.

  4. Click Configure content.
  5. If you enabled Access Living Atlas content in your portal, read the notice and click Yes to proceed.

    Do not close the Living Atlas page until the portal finishes configuring access to ArcGIS Living Atlas content.

  6. A message appears when configuration is complete. Click OK to dismiss this message.


Once you enable this ArcGIS Living Atlas content, you will see subscriber and premium ArcGIS Living Atlas items when you are signed in to the portal as a member of an administrator role, even if you have not configured the portal to use subscriber and premium content. This allows you to view the item details to determine if you want to make them available in the portal.

Enable access to subscriber or premium ArcGIS Living Atlas content

If Access Living Atlas content in your portal is enabled, you can additionally provide your users access to subscriber and premium ArcGIS Living Atlas content.

When members use premium content, the account you specify when configuring premium ArcGIS Living Atlas content will be charged credits. See Understand credits in the ArcGIS Online help for information on credit charges.

You can enable access to subscriber and premium content individually or enable access to both at the same time.

  1. Sign in to the portal as a member of the default Administrator role or a custom administrator role with privileges to manage the portal's website settings.
  2. Open Organization > Settings > Living Atlas.
  3. Under Configure Living Atlas, enable Subscriber, Premium, or both.
  4. Sign in to ArcGIS Online with an organizational account, keeping in mind the following:
    • The ArcGIS Online username you enter here is case sensitive.
    • You can only use one ArcGIS Online account to enable access to subscriber and premium content at the same time. To configure subscriber and premium access using two separate ArcGIS Online accounts, you must configure these options one at a time.
    • To enable access to premium content, the ArcGIS Online account must have credits available.
  5. Click Configure content.
  6. Read the notice. If you want to proceed with configuring this content, click Yes.

    Configuration should take approximately one minute. Do not close the Living Atlas page until the portal finishes configuring subscriber and premium content.

  7. A message appears when configuration is complete. Click OK to dismiss this message.

    The content you enabled access to is now shared to the ArcGIS Living Atlas group. If you enabled access to subscriber content, it is additionally shared to the ArcGIS Living Atlas Analysis Layers group. Members of the organization can access the subscriber and premium content from Map Viewer Classic, Scene Viewer, and the Content page. Subscriber and premium content shared to the ArcGIS Living Atlas group can be accessed from Map Viewer.


    Do not delete the ArcGIS Living Atlas or ArcGIS Living Atlas Analysis Layers group from the portal or change sharing or membership configurations on these groups. Also, do not delete or change ownership of subscriber or premium content from the esri_livingatlas user.

    By default, analysis tools in Map Viewer use content from the ArcGIS Living Atlas Analysis Layers group.

Update credentials for subscriber and premium content

You can update or change the ArcGIS Online account used to access ArcGIS Living Atlas subscriber and premium content. For example, if you changed the password for the account in ArcGIS Online, you must update the password in the portal to maintain access to the ArcGIS Living Atlas subscriber and premium content. You might also change the account used to access premium content if your ArcGIS Online administrator budgets credits to accounts, and the account you are using to access the premium content is nearly out of credits.

Follow these steps to update the account:

  1. Sign in to the portal as a member of the default Administrator role or a custom administrator role with privileges to manage the portal's website settings.
  2. Open Organization > Settings > Living Atlas.
  3. To update credentials for subscriber content, click Update credentials under Subscriber, provide new credentials, and click Configure content.

    Configuration may take several minutes. Do not close the Living Atlas page until the portal finishes updating the configuration.

  4. To update credentials for premium content, click Update credentials under Premium, provide new credentials, and click Configure content.

    Configuration should take approximately one minute. Do not close the Living Atlas page until the portal finishes updating the configuration.

Update ArcGIS Living Atlas content

Esri periodically releases new ArcGIS Living Atlas content that can be updated from the portal website. When a content update is performed, new ArcGIS Living Atlas items are added, existing items are updated, and older items may be moved to mature support or retired. See ArcGIS Living Atlas content life cycles and updates for information on the content life cycle. The ArcGIS Living Atlas content in your portal will remain usable during a content update.

Follow these steps to update ArcGIS Living Atlas content:

  1. Sign in to the portal as a member of the default Administrator role or a custom administrator role with privileges to manage the portal's website settings.
  2. Open Organization > Settings > Living Atlas.
  3. Under Content version, you will see your organization's current ArcGIS Living Atlas content version and the date the content was released. If an update is available, you will see its version and release date.
  4. Update ArcGIS Living Atlas content in one of two ways:
    • Click Schedule update and specify the date and time you want the content updated automatically.

    • Click Update now to update the content immediately.

If you choose to schedule the update, ArcGIS Living Atlas content will be updated at the specified date and time unless you delete the schedule by clicking Cancel install.

Alternatively, if you choose to update ArcGIS Living Atlas content immediately, a status bar appears, indicating the update progress.

Upgrade ArcGIS Living Atlas content

New and updated ArcGIS Living Atlas content is available when you upgrade the portal. ArcGIS Living Atlas content updates automatically as part of the portal post-upgrade process.

If the ArcGIS Online credentials you used to access subscriber and premium content are not valid when you upgrade the portal, you will see an error message when you run the post-upgrade process. You must update these credentials and complete the ArcGIS Living Atlas upgrade.

  1. Complete steps 1 through 4 in Update credentials for subscriber and premium content.
  2. Once you provide valid credentials, the Upgrade Content button is active. Click it to finish upgrading the ArcGIS Living Atlas content.

Disable access to ArcGIS Living Atlas content

If the portal does not have access to the internet, or if there is another reason you don't want your users to access ArcGIS Living Atlas content, you can disable it.

If you enabled access to subscriber and premium content, you must first disable access to this content before you can disable access to the ArcGIS Living Atlas content that is available without having to sign in with an ArcGIS Online organizational account.

Disabling access to ArcGIS Living Atlas content removes access to the ArcGIS Living Atlas group from the organization, which makes the following changes in the portal:

  • The Living Atlas tab is removed from the Content page.
  • The option to add layers from Living Atlas is not available in Scene Viewer.
  • The option to browse ArcGIS Living Atlas layers is no longer present in Map Viewer.
After you disable access to ArcGIS Living Atlas content, you must update the portal's search index, as described below.

Follow these steps to disable access to ArcGIS Living Atlas content in the portal:

  1. Sign in to the portal as a member of the default Administrator role or a custom administrator role with privileges to manage the portal's website settings.
  2. Open Organization > Settings > Living Atlas.
  3. Disable Subscriber if it is enabled.
  4. Disable Premium if it is enabled.
  5. Click Configure content.

    Wait until this configuration change completes before proceeding to the next step.

  6. Disable Access Living Atlas content in your portal.
  7. Click Configure content.
  8. Read the notice. If you want to proceed with disabling this content, click Yes.

    Configuration should take approximately one minute. Do not close the Living Atlas page until the portal finishes updating the configuration. A message appears when configuration is complete. Click OK to dismiss this message.

  9. Sign in to the ArcGIS Enterprise Administrator Directory from the initial administrator account. The URL is formatted<context>/admin.
  10. Browse to System > Indexer > Reindex.
  11. Click the Mode drop-down list, and select Search.
  12. Click Reindex.

    Depending on the number of users and the volume of content in the portal, it will take some time for the reindex to complete. Do not interrupt the reindex process. You can monitor the operation's status on the System > Indexer > Index Status resource in a new browser window or tab. When the store and index counts are equal, the reindex is complete.

Organization members will no longer have access to this content. If any of this content was used in maps, scenes, or apps, they will no longer function.